hay, so I'm toooo happy right now. why? cause the show is back on!!!!!. yeah I'm seeing dax tonight. but its first come first serve so if anyone gets in my way ill kick em in the face, lol. no no. if only i were lucky enough to have my 2 fav things at the same time, dax and being naked. but hay we cant...
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i agree with Emya, you are too sexy!!!!
You're a personal trainer? I need a workout routine. I live in new Orleans. What are some healthy foods I should be eating?
so just found the show i was going to go to on Friday fell threw for me. it seems the but hole surfers are having a privet party that night, invite only and dax is opening. so to all of us that were gonna go cant. but o well. i am disappointed but I'm sure he will do another show here soon. he has to...
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well you could fly from LA to SEA and hang out with me. im pretty cool, IMO.
The butthole surfers are still playing? i remember them when i was like 12. lol. sorry you're missing out with Dax
The butthole surfers are still playing? i remember them when i was like 12. lol. sorry you're missing out with Dax

don't feel bad, I might not be able to go to VOODOO this year, and there's lots of things to change up routines, they are by definition choices you make, and continue to make. Someone told me a long time ago that insanity is continuing to do the same things and expect a different outcome. Maybe try some new things, or just don't expect an outcome. Every time I go out to my usual haunts and expect to get laid, or something like that it never happens, when I just go out to go out, shoot some pool, have some drinks, sing and dance I usually end up having a great time.
so i wanted to start by saying thanks to all who sent such nice e mails and commented on my pics. ill reply soon. even if you had bad comments they are all helpful to me so thanks. its not like it will crush me or anything.
so not up to much today. just catching up on some things. i had a blast on saturday...
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so not up to much today. just catching up on some things. i had a blast on saturday...
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I will like it for sure
giving in
guilt on my lips
is all i can taste
it spreads threw the blood
like a perpetual plague
it forces its way threw
porcelain locust of hate
it bulids up inside
the unmistakable frustration
all i can do
is close my eyes
and let myself be taken
wash myself again
in the holly water of desire
and the lust threw my skin
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guilt on my lips
is all i can taste
it spreads threw the blood
like a perpetual plague
it forces its way threw
porcelain locust of hate
it bulids up inside
the unmistakable frustration
all i can do
is close my eyes
and let myself be taken
wash myself again
in the holly water of desire
and the lust threw my skin
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awesome set!!

you misuse through, it would be neat if that achieved an effect, other then that neat poem, short, sweet, always good to add a new perspective to the old thought that we are prisoners of our bodies, not the other way around
We will just pretend,
You mean nothing to me,
Like I don't think about you,
On nights I cant sleep.
I don't remember your eyes,
Your touch,
You kiss,
that's what we'll say,
When we secretly reminisce.
We will talk about the weather,
And "how was you day"
Never saying what we mean to say,
We'll do what we have always done,
Play it safe,...
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new poem
We scar our body's with ink,
Because we know its only temporary,
Bonded to us only for this life,
Never trapped by a vow or otherwise.
Lips pressed firmly together,
To keep secrets from slipping threw,
The gypsy whispers promises,
As I self medicate with fantasy.
Writing on our soles with chalk,
So we don't fear commitment,
I wish on a star,
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We scar our body's with ink,
Because we know its only temporary,
Bonded to us only for this life,
Never trapped by a vow or otherwise.
Lips pressed firmly together,
To keep secrets from slipping threw,
The gypsy whispers promises,
As I self medicate with fantasy.
Writing on our soles with chalk,
So we don't fear commitment,
I wish on a star,
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