Cut and pasted from my lj:
Been a while.
Sadly, really bad news is why I'm posting again. I'm getting kicked out, though that's pretty much my fault. ~_~
So, my best plan of action, I'm thinking is to re-enlist...though I swore I wouldn't. Somehow living on the streets doesn't seem terribly attractive...and I doubt I could find a job that would cover rent and food, and I'm figuring my car isn't much longer in this world.
I cut my hair and then got a haircut. I saved the tail, but short hair...been over a year since it's even been *trimmed*
What breaks my heart the most is my cats...I need to find a place for them...and I hate having to abandon them.
I'm not posting for sympathy...and I know I've done nothing to deserve support or well wishes from...ok, just about all of you...but that's what's up.
I've managed to find ways to survive so far...hopefully I can this time too.
(oh, and I have an Associates Degree in General Studies. Nothing special, I know, but I just thought I'd mention it.)
Edit: Sunday morning
I hate waiting. If it was Monday I could be out seeing about my future, but all I can do now is sit and wait for work...which should be fun. Take in all the reactions to the demise of my Bish status, and let my boss know I prolly won't be there much longer...and deal with all the Sunday shopper people and go crazy...if only I'd left for the dump 10 minutes early yesterday...nothing would be changed. I would have missed my mom Pointless to wonder about those things, not going to change anything.
Also, guy I work with died last night, or if you prefer this morning when the life support gets turned off. He always acted a little eccentric and we all made jokes about it, but now that he'd gone...I feel bad about it. *sigh*
Soo...I should shower...and eat something, since my body is saying "I'm very hungry" but my brain (and my gag reflex) are saying "i really don't feel like it" ~_~
Threw out much stuff I really didn't need this morning...most of the stuff from the Karen era, as well as most of the stuff from the Dani era (the 2 realtionships I've been in), tho I kept a few things and some letters. Bloody depressing.
I want to be productive. Or at least turn my brain off.

Sorry to hear about the death of your co-worker.
**sending good thoughts your way**