Well, last class of Intro to Computers this morning. Upon arrival, realize I neglected to do the project I kept putting off over the weekend. Luckily, I have till Thursday when grades close to hand it in. It's nothing big, or even difficult. Doing that next. No more of stupid "I like to ask stupid questions to hear myself talk and say yes and mhm to the instructor for no reason" woman. God, I wanted to fucking throttle her.
After that, Walmart stop for Andes and a 75 cent powerade from a soda machine. I also got James and the Giant Peach on dvd since it was just 15 dollars.
Then, I went to The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, followed by Pirates of the Carribean. Course, I had to leave tloeg right when the credits started to make Pirates, but hey. I shouldn't have bought a ticket for Pirates, I was able to walk right to where that was showing and no theater person stopped me to check my tickets. I also managed to ration my Andes to last both movies, and not drink too much powerade so I didn't need to hold it or get up to go to the bathroom.
League...I loved it, but I can see lots of people not liking it. Pirates, loved it, think alot of people will too.
mmm, full. full, ice coffee, and cowboy bepop.
oh yeah.

After that, Walmart stop for Andes and a 75 cent powerade from a soda machine. I also got James and the Giant Peach on dvd since it was just 15 dollars.

Then, I went to The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, followed by Pirates of the Carribean. Course, I had to leave tloeg right when the credits started to make Pirates, but hey. I shouldn't have bought a ticket for Pirates, I was able to walk right to where that was showing and no theater person stopped me to check my tickets. I also managed to ration my Andes to last both movies, and not drink too much powerade so I didn't need to hold it or get up to go to the bathroom.

League...I loved it, but I can see lots of people not liking it. Pirates, loved it, think alot of people will too.
mmm, full. full, ice coffee, and cowboy bepop.
oh yeah.

I wasn't really good at paying attention anyways.
How was League of Extraordinary gentlemen? I want to see it.
I did see Pirates of the Carribean last night, and all I can say is.... WOW. I loved it.
Your ice coffee sounds good, you gonna share?
Oo you're getting a car? I have all my paws crossed that you do get it. *crossin paws...see*. let me know k?
and I'm all for the slidin closer to get some coffee.