Work, as per usual, really stank. But, I read a good portion of the Dark Ages: Setite novel during break, which was really cool. It was interesting before, but it's heading toward the conclusion, and things are getting hairier...
I'm 65 on the waiting list for a dorm room. le sigh. However, my Orientation to Human Services class is over after this week. Lets hope Reading and Study Skills is a no-brainer type deal. It would be nice to have sorta relaxing summer at some point...
Ok, this was annoying...I get home, my FF Tactics guide, and 3 of the 4 Clan Novels I ordered were by my door. 1 box the FFT guide, the second, the 3 novels. Now, when I ordered them, I ordered the 4 novels at once, and the guide a few days later. I tried to combine that and the novels into 1 shipment. It says no, since 1 of the 4 is shipping already. And it won't let me do it with the other 3. So what do I get today? ~Not~ the novel that went into shipping status first, but the other 3, and the ff tactics guide. I'll write Amazon an email tomorrow...i coulda saved a little on shipping, unless the books came from different places, which could be the case...
~_~ tired....
Tried to install a zip drive, without software of documentation...didn't work. Might not even be hooked up right, for all I know. Luckily, I can bring it in to my Intro to Computers teacher, and he should know. Bout time I learned something in that class, when it says introduction, it means it. Now I can dl stuff at school (on a decent high speed connection ) and put it on my puter. er, when I figure out how to install it.
Been watching/listening to Futurama Season 1 disc 2. Good stuff. Also, some vanilla coke and pepsi twist.
Ice cream soon?
Well, why not?

I'm 65 on the waiting list for a dorm room. le sigh. However, my Orientation to Human Services class is over after this week. Lets hope Reading and Study Skills is a no-brainer type deal. It would be nice to have sorta relaxing summer at some point...
Ok, this was annoying...I get home, my FF Tactics guide, and 3 of the 4 Clan Novels I ordered were by my door. 1 box the FFT guide, the second, the 3 novels. Now, when I ordered them, I ordered the 4 novels at once, and the guide a few days later. I tried to combine that and the novels into 1 shipment. It says no, since 1 of the 4 is shipping already. And it won't let me do it with the other 3. So what do I get today? ~Not~ the novel that went into shipping status first, but the other 3, and the ff tactics guide. I'll write Amazon an email tomorrow...i coulda saved a little on shipping, unless the books came from different places, which could be the case...
~_~ tired....
Tried to install a zip drive, without software of documentation...didn't work. Might not even be hooked up right, for all I know. Luckily, I can bring it in to my Intro to Computers teacher, and he should know. Bout time I learned something in that class, when it says introduction, it means it. Now I can dl stuff at school (on a decent high speed connection ) and put it on my puter. er, when I figure out how to install it.
Been watching/listening to Futurama Season 1 disc 2. Good stuff. Also, some vanilla coke and pepsi twist.
Ice cream soon?
Well, why not?

I didn't like Vanilla Coke at first, but eventually things changed from not liking to liking. I will say this, if you're adding ice cream to your soda, it comes out fricken smooth when you use vanilla coke.
I guess I do read fantasy often. I think it's partially to due with I have no idea about anything in other genres, so I stick with what I know, and every Vampire series from White Wolf is consistently worth the money and time reading. Money is an issue, too, if I could afford to I'd buy random books to see if I liked them. ( this coming from someone who just did some ebaying he shouldn't have )
Did you ever get your ice cream? By the time I got around to mine, it was almost 3, so I decided to skip it and just brush the teeth and go to sleep.
I don't read that much, but I like anything by Tolkien, Anne Rice and L. K. Hamilton.
I prefer movies to books