Almost got the spit knocked out of me today, and a coworker almost got the sh!t beat out of him. I shall explain.
Coworker decides, since sqeege (sp) is broken, he will kick and snap the handle. Unfortunetly, when he does so, half of the handle goes flying, coming about 2-3 inches from smacking me really hard in the head. Being understandabley angry, I start...
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Nah, not Kerouac. I *highly* doubt that anyone will identify it- (hint) the source is usually read by 12-year-old girls.

I added you back to my friends list just for shits and giggles, so pppppttttbbbbb!
Hail to the thief.
(too bored to think up an entry, plus only an hour till work and i wanna get some "private time" and video games in, so, toodles.)
me too !
Cut my goatee today.
This is a big deal in that it's been there for....I'd wager over three months. I had to cut the 'stach off a few days ago due to screwing up trimming it (when it started going over my lips...ick)...so I'm totally trimmed. I hate that look on me. Facial hair, since it's started to grow in, has become part of my...
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Ah, an update smile

I bet you still look good without the goatee. I guess I would feel naked too if I'd shopped off all the hair on my head. Thank god for bandanas., too bad you can't use that on your face tongue

Don't hate the world.....get some sleep and feel better. Where's that smile of yours?
Finally put up some pics.
*licks lips*
ug...no wantee workee.
hee, bad dancing Angel and Wes. lol
hehe.... that was cute.... but *Sigh* he never showed up tho.

I had a great time nonetheless smile

How was YOUR weekend?? miss me? :p

Update your journal damnit wink

No car for me. frown Turns out the engne in the car was only made for two years. Only two years, because it was a horrible engine. Hard to work on, expensive to fix, ect...so the consensus on the car was "don't buy it" from a mechanic, and a pontiac dealership. When the dealer tells you not to get it...

bloody 'ell.

Well, work was decent,...
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I'm kinda mad I didn't get it too.
Well, if you slide real close, I'll make you one. ^_-
well, you could male the pics to me ^+^ hope I'll catch you online before i sleep. ^_^
I looked for you in Yahoo, but I didn't see you at all. I crashed early.

My pictures work now, you can take a peek.
Have a great weekend if I don't talk to you before then. *hugs*
Well, last class of Intro to Computers this morning. Upon arrival, realize I neglected to do the project I kept putting off over the weekend. Luckily, I have till Thursday when grades close to hand it in. It's nothing big, or even difficult. Doing that next. No more of stupid "I like to ask stupid questions to hear myself talk and say yes and mhm...
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If there's one thing I don't miss, it's classes and school.
I wasn't really good at paying attention anyways.

How was League of Extraordinary gentlemen? I want to see it.
I did see Pirates of the Carribean last night, and all I can say is.... WOW. I loved it.

Your ice coffee sounds good, you gonna share? smile

This one tattoo I'm getting done this week will be leopard spots on my left arm/shoulder. Then, I'm getting one done on my lower back later on. I will certainly take pictures when it's healed smile

Oo you're getting a car? I have all my paws crossed that you do get it. *crossin paws...see*. let me know k?

and I'm all for the slidin closer to get some coffee.

didn't turn out the way you wanted it to
it didn't turn out the way you wanted it, did it?
didn't turn out the way you wanted it to
didn't turn out quite the way that you wanted it
thanks for the welcome back!

*grins* @ your sex comment wink

You're right about the movie Hackers. It's old now when you look at the technology of computers back then, but Angelina Jolie is in it, so -- it's never old enough to *not* watch. biggrin
While I am intimidated by all the **** in your chatter, I appreciate you clearing the air for me. Hadn't met you and thought I was already on your bad side. But you quote Nirvana and you're into Shirley Manson so I'm all smiles here. And by the way did you forget Angie Everheart?
Ikaruga (for gamecube) is worth the 39.99.
Especially if you like old skool 2d overhead shooters.
/shizzle linguizzle EL SUICIDO LOCO
Hey! I'm shy myself with a fondness for redheads. I've also read all the Potter books. I think I'm a Ravenclaw too. Take care!
I didn't write these lyrics, and I'm getting back into my bad habits of never posting and or posting in just song lyric format.
"Whatever..." Squall

"If I am ordered to, then I will do it." - Rei Ayanami

I linger in the doorway
of alarm clock screaming monsters calling my name
let me stay
where the wind will whisper to me
where the raindrops...
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Work, as per usual, really stank. But, I read a good portion of the Dark Ages: Setite novel during break, which was really cool. It was interesting before, but it's heading toward the conclusion, and things are getting hairier...confused
I'm 65 on the waiting list for a dorm room. le sigh. However, my Orientation to Human Services class is over after this week. Lets hope...
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Wierd rocks, tho.
I didn't like Vanilla Coke at first, but eventually things changed from not liking to liking. I will say this, if you're adding ice cream to your soda, it comes out fricken smooth when you use vanilla coke.
I guess I do read fantasy often. I think it's partially to due with I have no idea about anything in other genres, so I stick with what I know, and every Vampire series from White Wolf is consistently worth the money and time reading. Money is an issue, too, if I could afford to I'd buy random books to see if I liked them. ( this coming from someone who just did some ebaying he shouldn't have )
Did you ever get your ice cream? By the time I got around to mine, it was almost 3, so I decided to skip it and just brush the teeth and go to sleep.
No, I never got around to eating some frown I would have had to go down to the grocery store, because I didn't have any here -- and lazzyness took over.

I don't read that much, but I like anything by Tolkien, Anne Rice and L. K. Hamilton.
I prefer movies to books smile
Well, I have the entirity of next Saturday off. In case anyone local wants to monopolize my time. Goddess knows I need to, not get out more often, but get out at all.

Today pretty much sucked. I woke up half an hour after I was sposed to be at work...so I had to work half an hour later without a half hour luch to...
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*hugs* you need to smile a little. I hope you feel better tomorrow. If you need to talk, email me smile
Yes, I really did like Hulk. I have heard some bad reviews also. I guess it's different strokes for different folks.

Those cookies sound good -- what kind?