kinda blah today .... didnt see or talk to sandra at all yesterday ...does anyone think thats weird ...not talking to the person your dating for a day ... i cant decide ... got an e mail from michele yesterday ... its really hard to let go ....even though i know i should ...i really dont want to ...but i guess a relationship 800 miles away would be impossible anyway ... i just know i dont want to be in hagerstown anymore starting to think taking my old job back was a mistake ... just a little confused today .... oh well ....
no it's not weird.. i didn't talk to rich yesterday cause he was at work, then i was at work, then i was out shopping and stuff, so our paths just didn't cross.... I know it's very hard to let go of someone you care for, but you're right, 800 miles would be a very hard relationship to carry.... also... i hope sandra doesn't read your sg journal, cause you talking about how you still care for michele could upset her don't you think?