So I'm sick I was in the emergency room all night with an IV stuck in my arm and bad stomach pains I had to get x-rays done and the doctor said I was pretty stopped up.That and I was dehydrated.I was released at like 5 this morning and I was pretty doped up on pain and nausea medicine.Well the whole reason I had to... Read More
Well today I'm sad because my puppy died. Well actually it was my moms but I'm the one who took care of him more than her,I evn was the one that named him, his name was chowder.Well what happened was yesterday me and my mom were out shopping and stuff when we decided to go home and I was going to take chowder to my... Read More
So I'm really excited because this week I'm shooting with Lorelei.I really hope I become an SG soon .I bought super smash brothers brawl so that is my addiction of the moment.Yea I'm a big game nerd what can I say.Well wish me luck on my shoot and if any SG's have advice feel free to let me know.Well hope everyone has a good weekened.Ciao.
So today was a tragedy I planned to trim my bangs but my hubby begged me to let him do it big mistake.He cut a huge chunk wich I then had to fix.I wasn't happy so then I hacked them off Bettie Page style wich are Ok I guess except that now I look like I'm 8 O well.All in a good day I guess.Its... Read More
hey love !
oh no you trusted a male with scissors !!!?
it does suck, but it will grow back..try see the funny side to it !
ive made a mess of the living room, i should probably tidy it up !!
Hey everyone Happy Valentines Day! Hopefully everyone is having a kick ass day.As for me I'm feeling pretty good got lots of chocolate yummy.And a really sweet card well take care.