Well today I'm sad because my puppy died.
Well actually it was my moms but I'm the one who took care of him more than her,I evn was the one that named him, his name was chowder.Well what happened was yesterday me and my mom were out shopping and stuff when we decided to go home and I was going to take chowder to my house to play with my other two doggies.We got to my moms house and I went and opened the back door to let them out and pee I called for chowder and he didn't come.I figured he was in the room seeing as how he wasn't feeling good so I went looked in the corner,then on the bed he was laying on the blanket I gave him I figured he was just asleep so I called out to him and as I did I reached out to touch him and he was hard.I ran out crying and yelling chowders dead! He's dead.We knew he wasn't feeling so good he started coughng I had called the vet he said give him baby cough medicine and bring him in if it continues.It seemed he was getting better he played a little but then just seemed to want to sleep a lot and was weak but the cough had stopped and he seemed better everyone thought so.Well we were going to bring him but it was the weekened and he seemed to be better so we were going to bring him in today first thing.But it's too late.They say that he probably had a heart defect because he never vomited,he ate,and he didn't have dirreah.His symptoms were that of heart failure but he didn't suffer still I feel like It's my fault I should have pushed to take him to emergency.The last time I saw him he clung on to me with his little paws and didn't want to let go.It's hard for me because I have never been the one to find my pet dead and I love animals so much more than people.I just can't help to think that I could have done something........

youre in my thoughts and prayers babe
x x x