played an open mic last night and i will play another one tonight a 602 North.
Other then that I've just been touching my self and picking my noise. oh yah drinking beer too. What eles is their to do I ask of you. no one even reads this any ways. So I must be talking to my self. So I can say things like FUCK PISS SHIT. GOD is an ego triping horse rubber nipples baby killer.
And through my left vain I can feel heaven rushing twards the brain to shuve aside the pain and make it ok to play again. The blood drips but it's ok because I now exist on the tip of reality. Property is coustly when once was free. Now kings win by cutting up cake as landscapes forced apone the pray to pay and pay and pay. And for the gift of sowen to the tit, bit by bit we dwindle down to excpet are give pit. Thoe the earth sinks benth are feet we'll clame victory in are mass defeat. For we were given a choice of shit or shat. An we only vote on the style of their fancy hats. Benth which the motavation lies, the web of lies, the net work of freands and three faces, the power the pourpse the puppit and spindle of chain reactions. The Republic underground of the American harvest.
Other then that I've just been touching my self and picking my noise. oh yah drinking beer too. What eles is their to do I ask of you. no one even reads this any ways. So I must be talking to my self. So I can say things like FUCK PISS SHIT. GOD is an ego triping horse rubber nipples baby killer.
And through my left vain I can feel heaven rushing twards the brain to shuve aside the pain and make it ok to play again. The blood drips but it's ok because I now exist on the tip of reality. Property is coustly when once was free. Now kings win by cutting up cake as landscapes forced apone the pray to pay and pay and pay. And for the gift of sowen to the tit, bit by bit we dwindle down to excpet are give pit. Thoe the earth sinks benth are feet we'll clame victory in are mass defeat. For we were given a choice of shit or shat. An we only vote on the style of their fancy hats. Benth which the motavation lies, the web of lies, the net work of freands and three faces, the power the pourpse the puppit and spindle of chain reactions. The Republic underground of the American harvest.