Test today. Blah. It was much harder than the other two! I'm a little worried, but hey, what can you do, right?
I've started having nightmares about my interest's ex hating me. She and I are sort of friends and I think she would be really angry if her recent ex and I started dating so soon. I like her and don't want to hurt her, but ... I really want her ex! Damn drama. Maybe I should just talk with her. Comments? Suggestions?
Meanwhile The Boy and I have been hanging out so much that if it were a job I'd be raking in a lot of cash. He's so wonderful! We're on the same wavelength in so many ways and I love myself, so of course I think he's great too. But we are NOT dating. Really. (Can you hear the denial? We're not, but it's like we are, we just aren't making out. But I wish we were making out. Just not dating. Sigh.)
Today I rewatched Rejected with Y, my favorite roommate. I love that animation!
Don Hertzfeldt is amazing. Oh, I forgot to say that I saw Napoleon Dynamite last week and it so TOO funny. I laughed so hard! I highly recommend it. And the tots. They're tasty with ketsup.
I've started having nightmares about my interest's ex hating me. She and I are sort of friends and I think she would be really angry if her recent ex and I started dating so soon. I like her and don't want to hurt her, but ... I really want her ex! Damn drama. Maybe I should just talk with her. Comments? Suggestions?
Meanwhile The Boy and I have been hanging out so much that if it were a job I'd be raking in a lot of cash. He's so wonderful! We're on the same wavelength in so many ways and I love myself, so of course I think he's great too. But we are NOT dating. Really. (Can you hear the denial? We're not, but it's like we are, we just aren't making out. But I wish we were making out. Just not dating. Sigh.)
Today I rewatched Rejected with Y, my favorite roommate. I love that animation!

Stay single.