Visited my hometown for the 4th parties (more so than for the holiday itself). Stopped to visit my photographer and good friend on the way. She bought us champagne and nice cheese! Aww! I love her!
The parties were fun, except for the drama. Apparently, I made out with some guy who just got back together with his ex-girlfriend within the hour and when she left pissed off, he said he had no idea why. And he lied to my friend/ ex, too, promising not to hook up with me and then doing it anyway. Asshole. I have a sore throat now. I hope he gets it, assuming he didn't give it to me. People, if you see your friend about to hook up with an asshole, TELL THEM. Publicly if necessary. This is what friends are for.
Otherwise, I had a good time drinking classic southern mint tea mixed with green tea (yum!) and talking about photography with my dad, swimming in my mom's hot tub and chatting with her about all things girly, meeting up with friends (6fsfffff!!!), etc.
Now I'm back home. Classes started today, went to student health, read a lot, listened to records. It's nice to actually have unscheduled spare time for once.
The parties were fun, except for the drama. Apparently, I made out with some guy who just got back together with his ex-girlfriend within the hour and when she left pissed off, he said he had no idea why. And he lied to my friend/ ex, too, promising not to hook up with me and then doing it anyway. Asshole. I have a sore throat now. I hope he gets it, assuming he didn't give it to me. People, if you see your friend about to hook up with an asshole, TELL THEM. Publicly if necessary. This is what friends are for.
Otherwise, I had a good time drinking classic southern mint tea mixed with green tea (yum!) and talking about photography with my dad, swimming in my mom's hot tub and chatting with her about all things girly, meeting up with friends (6fsfffff!!!), etc.
Now I'm back home. Classes started today, went to student health, read a lot, listened to records. It's nice to actually have unscheduled spare time for once.

here's what i really think.
your set was good, but it's not the <i>best</i>.
it was um, not to sound biased or anything, but too artistic for this site. it wasn't in-your-face racy enough to qualify as porn, even softcore porn. and lets face it, goth/punk chick or not, the real reason people come to this site is to see tits and ass, plain and simple. this site is just dedicated to tits and ass of the alternative culture variety. your set was appealing, but hard to, say, jerk off to.
i really like lauren's use of negative space, i think it's a very trendy design technique these days, and with good reason. in our society, we are bombarded with super-high-sensory forms of media, (especially when relevant to commerce), and negative space is like the breath of fresh air that so many artists/designers strive for in their work these days. however, again, lots of negative space with out t and a closeups is not what people come to the site for.
as i said, your set, for this website, isn't the best, but it's so damn far from being the worst, that i think it's disappointing that it didn't make it. i think your set would have been a really interesting addittion to the sets they keep here on the site. i think a position as an honorary suicide girl is just around the corner for you.