Today was strange. As I was leaving my apartment, with my dog in my arms ready to go to my parents' house for the day, I decided to open my blinds in the living room. I pulled them up, and they wouldnt stay up so I tugged and tugged when WHAP! They flew off the wall smacking me in the forehead and scaring the shit out of my dog. He was yelping and I was cursing and whining like a baby. I ended up with a red goose egg all day. It still hurts to touch it.
Work was different. I can't really explain how, but I wasn't miserable all day. I'm learning to enjoy the people around me, no matter how difficult they may seem to be.
I work in the first aid office tomorrow which is good. I love the ladies there and they make work fun. We just chat all day like old women. I get off an hour early because the boss is out tomorrow, too, which is fucking lovely.
Mom's gettin me some booze tomorrow. Well, champagne. YAY! That means I get to drink a bottle tomorrow night and be retarded. I'm excited.
I think I'm off to bug Daniel now. Have a fantastic Friday folks.
Work was different. I can't really explain how, but I wasn't miserable all day. I'm learning to enjoy the people around me, no matter how difficult they may seem to be.
I work in the first aid office tomorrow which is good. I love the ladies there and they make work fun. We just chat all day like old women. I get off an hour early because the boss is out tomorrow, too, which is fucking lovely.
Mom's gettin me some booze tomorrow. Well, champagne. YAY! That means I get to drink a bottle tomorrow night and be retarded. I'm excited.
I think I'm off to bug Daniel now. Have a fantastic Friday folks.

You know what I mean. Oh man, too fuckin funny.