I have nothing to update with, really. But here goes nothin.
Tonight I went over to the parents' house to help them move some stuff back in. They've been in a hotel for a week while it was being remodled. It looks about a million times different now, I love it. Brand new hardwood floors and new carpeting, and new paint. Lovely.
Its almost midnight now and I should be in bed because I have to get up at el butt crack of dawn, ie 5:30, to get ready for work. I work in the first aid office in the main plant at work on Fridays, and I love the ladies there, so it shouldn't be too bad. I even remembered to pack a lunch this week. YAY ME!
Ever since I moved here I've become sooo domestic. Actually doing my dishes and laundry... Cleaning my kitchen every night...and reading the fucking grocery ads that they drop on our doorsteps. I feel like I'm turning into my mom, and that's okay I suppose.
Last night I was watching the news while I folded clothes on my bed. They were talking about the first case of the west nile virus hitting Oregon and killing a horse. At that very moment, a fucking mosquito landed on my arm and bit me. I wish I had video of my reaction just then as I shrieked and swatted it away thinking, "OH MY GOD IM GOING TO HAVE WEST NILE VIRUS". Luckily I'm not dead, but that little bastard mosquito is. Who's the tough guy now???
My plans for the weekend are wickedly interesting, I assure you. On Saturday I will be helping my parents move the rest of their furniture/crap back into the house. That evening is my uncle's big 50th birthday party which we will be attending. Mr. Dannypoopkins has a show that night that I'll be missing. I'm sure while sitting sipping on booze with a bunch of old people and my quiet nerdy cousins I will be wishing I was at his show instead...oogling the tight and unitard goodness. But oh well, there's always video.
Sunday will be spent stealing Dannypoopkin's time...that is...while he's not sleeping. I think I'm working on Monday instead of next Friday too, because oh yes. OHHH YES! Dexter is getting neutered next Friday. Bye bye testes!
Alright, I pass out now.
Tonight I went over to the parents' house to help them move some stuff back in. They've been in a hotel for a week while it was being remodled. It looks about a million times different now, I love it. Brand new hardwood floors and new carpeting, and new paint. Lovely.
Its almost midnight now and I should be in bed because I have to get up at el butt crack of dawn, ie 5:30, to get ready for work. I work in the first aid office in the main plant at work on Fridays, and I love the ladies there, so it shouldn't be too bad. I even remembered to pack a lunch this week. YAY ME!
Ever since I moved here I've become sooo domestic. Actually doing my dishes and laundry... Cleaning my kitchen every night...and reading the fucking grocery ads that they drop on our doorsteps. I feel like I'm turning into my mom, and that's okay I suppose.
Last night I was watching the news while I folded clothes on my bed. They were talking about the first case of the west nile virus hitting Oregon and killing a horse. At that very moment, a fucking mosquito landed on my arm and bit me. I wish I had video of my reaction just then as I shrieked and swatted it away thinking, "OH MY GOD IM GOING TO HAVE WEST NILE VIRUS". Luckily I'm not dead, but that little bastard mosquito is. Who's the tough guy now???
My plans for the weekend are wickedly interesting, I assure you. On Saturday I will be helping my parents move the rest of their furniture/crap back into the house. That evening is my uncle's big 50th birthday party which we will be attending. Mr. Dannypoopkins has a show that night that I'll be missing. I'm sure while sitting sipping on booze with a bunch of old people and my quiet nerdy cousins I will be wishing I was at his show instead...oogling the tight and unitard goodness. But oh well, there's always video.
Sunday will be spent stealing Dannypoopkin's time...that is...while he's not sleeping. I think I'm working on Monday instead of next Friday too, because oh yes. OHHH YES! Dexter is getting neutered next Friday. Bye bye testes!
Alright, I pass out now.