So I'm better today. Woke up about 4 hours before I gotta go to work, so that's nice. Its gonna be about 100 degrees out today, so I'm definitely not looking forward to that. Not to mention I'm gonna have mounds piled high at work. It will be the longest 4 hours of my life I'm sure.
I feel like I have mangoo in my hair. I haven't been straightening it and I got a new gel that is making it all crispy style. I feel dirty. Curly hair is definitely a bitch. I might brave the heat tonight and try to straighten it. It makes my life easier.
Yet again I'm sitting here wondering why someone gave Tony Danza a talk show. He doesn't have the best social graces. He's not quite as bad as Carson Daly, but he's no Oprah, that's for sure.
I can't wait for the weekend. Dannypoopkins and I might go see the March of the Penguins. Why? Because we're fucking bad ass. Penguins = hardcore. I'm telling you. Other than that, I shall finish packing.
That's all I've got for now. I'm off to drink crystal light, because I've given up drinking soda. Gahh. PRAY FOR MEEE!
I feel like I have mangoo in my hair. I haven't been straightening it and I got a new gel that is making it all crispy style. I feel dirty. Curly hair is definitely a bitch. I might brave the heat tonight and try to straighten it. It makes my life easier.
Yet again I'm sitting here wondering why someone gave Tony Danza a talk show. He doesn't have the best social graces. He's not quite as bad as Carson Daly, but he's no Oprah, that's for sure.
I can't wait for the weekend. Dannypoopkins and I might go see the March of the Penguins. Why? Because we're fucking bad ass. Penguins = hardcore. I'm telling you. Other than that, I shall finish packing.
That's all I've got for now. I'm off to drink crystal light, because I've given up drinking soda. Gahh. PRAY FOR MEEE!
I hope we see some Penguin knife fights