So last night Dex wouldn't stop whining. I had taken him out like a bagillion times, so I couldn't figure out what was wrong. So I get outta bed, and go in the kitchen, and see that he hasn't eaten any of his kibble for like, 2-3 days. No wonder he's been such a brat and acting all ravenous anytime I have food. So I got out the one can of wet food I have and mixed it with some kibble and he ate all of it. I guess he was just hungry and didn't want kibble as much? I donno what he was thinking. Then I gave him a little less than half of the benedryl that I bought, thinking that might work better than the anti anxiety meds that they talked about. He was out sleeping in less than 5 minutes. So thank god, I'm gonna give him some before I go to work today and hopefully he'll sleep all day.
I felt guilty that I didn't notice that he wasn't eating much. But we're all kosher now, he'll be eating fine.
Off to walk him, shower, and work. Peace out holmeess.
I felt guilty that I didn't notice that he wasn't eating much. But we're all kosher now, he'll be eating fine.
Off to walk him, shower, and work. Peace out holmeess.

I know a guy who said his vet told him to start ignoring his dog when he leaves and when he gets home. SO when he comes home he checks his mail, sits for a couple of minutes and then he'll say hello to his dog to make it seem like less of a big deal. Before this his g-shepard was eating all the furniture. seemed to work.
it's good that you are even putting the time in.