i start my (semi) senior year tomorrow!!#$ I'm really excited because:
a. i get to cut back on hours at my stupid, horrible, accounting job.
b. my classes include Soc. of Criminology with my very favorite professor, a community education class on sexual assault, and three 2-day workshop classes that are about domestic violence and sexual assault. All three of my main expertise areas, so they should be a breeze to get through.
c. i get to do a little bit more for the crisis line, and i'm now officially on-call as a sexual assault advocate.
d. did i mention less hours at my stupid accounting job?
e. school starting means my birthday, daniel's bday, and our 2-year anniversary are all coming up within the month (which also means cuteness and fun presents)
and f. school makes me drink more, and a drunk kelsey is always a happy kelsey.
see why i'm excited??
a. i get to cut back on hours at my stupid, horrible, accounting job.
b. my classes include Soc. of Criminology with my very favorite professor, a community education class on sexual assault, and three 2-day workshop classes that are about domestic violence and sexual assault. All three of my main expertise areas, so they should be a breeze to get through.
c. i get to do a little bit more for the crisis line, and i'm now officially on-call as a sexual assault advocate.
d. did i mention less hours at my stupid accounting job?
e. school starting means my birthday, daniel's bday, and our 2-year anniversary are all coming up within the month (which also means cuteness and fun presents)
and f. school makes me drink more, and a drunk kelsey is always a happy kelsey.
see why i'm excited??
Sounds like good stuff! Your bday and my bday both coming up soon...cept I'm getting really old!!