Life, my friends, is good. Let me tell you why:
1. I have kettle cooked lays chips. Not healthy, but ten times as declicious.
2. Child and Family services class--Definitely got an A on my paper and midterm exam.
3. Sociology class--Aced the presentation, A on the midterm exam, and A's on all 3 papers. Booya.
4. I was smart enough to switch my science class to pass/no pass back at the beginning of the term. I have a C but it won't affect my GPA.
5. Thanksgiving and Christmas are almost here. Yayyy. I <3 holidays.
6. I'm far too busy to ever feel as bored as I was feeling a year and a half ago. Busy = less time to worry about stupid shit.
7. Interview for a potential new job on Friday.
8. Working extra hours both last week and this week. My check at the end of the month will be lovely.
9. I'm loving friends, family, and of course the boy. Everything is at equilibrium. Puuuhlease let it stay this way.
10. I vaccumed. My apartment is so cute with clean carpet.
11. And Jesus Christ, I'm funny. I don't care if you don't agree, either.
1. I have kettle cooked lays chips. Not healthy, but ten times as declicious.
2. Child and Family services class--Definitely got an A on my paper and midterm exam.
3. Sociology class--Aced the presentation, A on the midterm exam, and A's on all 3 papers. Booya.
4. I was smart enough to switch my science class to pass/no pass back at the beginning of the term. I have a C but it won't affect my GPA.
5. Thanksgiving and Christmas are almost here. Yayyy. I <3 holidays.
6. I'm far too busy to ever feel as bored as I was feeling a year and a half ago. Busy = less time to worry about stupid shit.
7. Interview for a potential new job on Friday.
8. Working extra hours both last week and this week. My check at the end of the month will be lovely.
9. I'm loving friends, family, and of course the boy. Everything is at equilibrium. Puuuhlease let it stay this way.
10. I vaccumed. My apartment is so cute with clean carpet.
11. And Jesus Christ, I'm funny. I don't care if you don't agree, either.

good indeed.