So I had my first class of my junior year today...

Sitting in an Intro to Geology class, I've never felt so behind on my degree. There were freshman all around me talking about how weird their first day of college was. Le sigh. Anyhow, I think I'm going to like the class. Next term I'll finish up with 202 and be done with my...
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So after I woke up this morning my mom called me asking if I still wanted this TV armoire that I saw a few weeks back. I said yes, and she said "well, wasn't it like $300?"... and I said yeah, I think so. So she proceeds to tell me just to order it and transfer the money outta her account for it. This is,...
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That thing I said about being excited for school to start on Monday??

Stormy's gone with no warning. Sad. She was one of my faves'.

Update: pshhh. Shera too. boooo.
Not to mention Apnea and many others.
Fucking Rita...

Stay safe Kreeestal.
Dude, it's a small world. lol
Oh, did I tell you I took that sexualities class you were telling me about in pop culture?

Never really did get a chance to thank you for the reccomendation...Until now! tongue

Thanks for telling me to take that class...it was tough, but a real eye-opener.
Today I went and picked up my parking pass for the term. I've never gotten a pass to the parking garages at school so it will be nice not having to drive around for 45 minutes every morning trying to find a parking spot. The line for passes took me 35 minutes to get through. Lord. After that I went to the bookstore and got...
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Boys...gifts....they are hard to shop for...anyhow I guess it depends on budget and what he is into....I could make some suggestions...but I don't want to assume anything...the xbox 360 is coming out soon...boys love toys....but that is wicked expensive, you could get a dvd that is meaningful to the both of you, like a favorite movie, or a really kick ass watch, I am getting my boy toy a compass for wedding since he brings direction to my life...ya it might be kinda cheesy....but well he brings that out...I don't know....anyhow....don't know if that helped....
Hehe, yay pop culture!

Sorry it took me so long to get back to ya...been kinda out of the SG scene for a while.

You know what's weird, I think I saw you the other day? Were you at Frye's Electronics by any chance recently?

Anyway, glad to see a familiar face on SG. smile
Drinking booze while watching Daniel play World of Warcraft and watching Lord of the Rings Return of the King Extended Version... I've never felt so nerdy.

We did quite a bit of shopping today. Daniel got himself a PC. Yay for him, that Mac enthusiast that he is. I got my mom a belated b-day present at Crate and Barrel. I love that fucking store....
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and a mighty wiff it was
Lame day. Lame lame day. Thank god the weekend is almost here.

you are very lucky to even have a weekend my dear..sorry to hear your day was lame..hope it gets better
I'm taking one of my mini breaks while drying my hair. Straightening my hair wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't so much of it...but I've got a serious mop.

Today was quite tiresome at work with the Health and Wellness fair. I got stuck doing Subway sandwiches all day and getting all of the grunt work from an old wench who likes to pick...
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haha..i dunno if he misses me tongue..but he is cool to work with along with his sister. Not often you get to work with actual good people. Way better then some of the punks there that's for sure.

Thanks for the get well wishes. You hang in there..and don't wait to long for the doctor.
there was some serious cheese had at the end...you haven't started classes yet?? people here are on their 4th week already.
I just looked at the clock and thought, "this is what 7:41 pm feels like". Strange. I used to think that sort of thing when I was little all the time. 7:41 pm sure feels a lot like 8:41, but not quite like 9:41.

Then again, I don't have any idea what I'm babbling about.

I had to call and cancel my advising appointment this...
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It's probably because you and your boy do it like bunnys. tongue
I'm sick too! Me and my gf both have flu/stomach virus thing goin on..it's her fault..she got it first!

I hope you feel better. October is a good month for bdays.
Daniel and I started off the evening with a bang tonight. On our way out to eat tonight we definitely saw the fucking OSCAR MEYER WEINER MOBILE! After going out to dinner and running some errands we rented some movies. We had heard some good things about the dancing in "One Last Dance" with the almighty Patrick Swayze so we got it to see what...
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Today was strange. As I was leaving my apartment, with my dog in my arms ready to go to my parents' house for the day, I decided to open my blinds in the living room. I pulled them up, and they wouldnt stay up so I tugged and tugged when WHAP! They flew off the wall smacking me in the forehead and scaring the shit...
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Heh..don't pull so hard next time silly!!
::sits upside down on couch and does leg thingies::

You know what I mean. Oh man, too fuckin funny.