So I've been super busy with work, which has been wonderful! I finally got some time off so I've been resting, smoking and trying to take care of myself. Oh! I started trying to bike in to work, which was WAY harder than I thought. Turns out being in shape is something you have to actually practice not just think about lmao. The Williamsburg bridge is no picnic to climb over and bikers and drivers are way more intense than Boston...but I was ready for that part haha.
When stuff slows down with work I'd love to meet more people from SG! I had so much fun meeting @ausetreturns and would love to see more of you guys in person! I've always been enamored with the ideals Suicide Girls represents and have just been super lazy/too preoccupied/poor to set up an account before now. But it's definitely already one of the better decisions that I've made so far. Definitely message me if you're in the NYC area and wanna do something fun :) Now that its (almost) not super frozen I need activity buddies. Especially if you like biking/rollerblading, dancing, drinking and smoking.
Or we can go to hooters w/e. Hopefully we get our photo set back soon!!!!! I cant wait to see, the photos looked great :D I'd love to shoot a solo set but I'm trying to make some actual efforts to get my health/weight back online first. Those robins eggs candies are KILLING ME. If not a full set, then I will definitely have some shots or big ink projects finished in the coming month. My next tattoo will be a pretty big thigh piece and VERY different from everything I have so far. If anyone knows of any talented cartoon/girly tattoo artist in my area definitely let me know!!!! I'm getting Marie from Aristocats framed on my right thigh WITH A UNICORN HORN. (don't worry, I've been thinking about this for 5 years) SO EXCITED
It's a big jump since all my other tattoos are pretty simplistic, symbolic, and dark. I'm choosing to do this one next instead of finishing up my sleeve because I felt strange about having only "downer" tattoos. I love everything I have so far, but I feel a little off-kilter only representing one side of my personality through ink. I've wanted a kitten unicorn (catticorn) for such a long time because, just like the rest of my tattoo, its a little piece of who I am. Special as fuck, majestic, and adorable. While my darth vader tattoo will always hold an ultra-special place in my heart, and my distraught anime girl would bring tears to my eyes if I could see it, there's just something about feline femininity.
.....Hopefully I don't end up covered in cat tats. Someone cut me off if I get more than four. (hello kitty, black cat, and maneki neko mandatory duh)