So I'm trying to be more active for a couple of reasons. Firstly, to get fit. I quit smoking on NYE but I still can't run up a flight of stairs without gasping for breath 😅 so I need to work on my fitness! Good stamina is useless in many aspects of life.... 😂
I'd like to lose a bit of weight, not tons but I can feel I'm heavier than I'm comfortable with and it makes me feel sluggish. I want to feel sprightly and light on my feet!
Finally purely for the mental health benefits. When you're going through a difficult patch the last thing you want to do is get out of bed, never mind exercise. But I know it helps, I've felt the benefits before so I want to again!
My problem is I usually do really well for a couple of weeks (sometimes just one week 🙈) but then my motivation wanes. How do you keep yourself on track with something? I'm open to suggestions! Not just about exercise or weightloss, but anything that helps you stay disciplined with something you set your mind to. I'm all ears!
This photo will serve as my 'before' pic, I can't bear to show you the front because of my pot belly so this will have to do til that's shrunk a bit 😅