Pasaba por aquí para agradecer a todas las personas que fueron amables y dieron amor a mí primer selfshot. In my tent 🔥
Para quienes no saben, hace unos meses muchas de nosotras nos incentivamos tras una consigna desde SG con la temática de summercamp...
Fue algo divertido y desafiante.. mis adjetivos favoritos. 🖤
Para este set quise utilizar un chaleco que tiene que ver con una lucha ambientalista en mí ciudad. Vivo al pie de la montaña y hace 2 años hubo un intento de volar ese cordón montañoso y hacer una autovía de montaña.
Hay 2 razones principales por las que nos opusimos: es una reserva natural y es contiene una mina de uranio.
Seguimos luchando por defender el agua , la tierra y la vida."las sierras no se tocan" es el lema 💚 #lassierrasnosetocan #noporlamontaña
💫Aprovecho y les dejo los link de mis otros SETs disponibles en MR. Que los disfruten 🖤✨
English 👇
Hi, I hope you had a lovely weekend.
I stopped by to thank all the people who were kind and gave love to my first selfshot. In my tent 🔥
For those of you who don't know, a few months ago many of us were encouraged by a slogan from SG with the summercamp theme....
It was something fun and challenging... my favourite adjectives. 🖤
For this set I wanted to use a waistcoat that has to do with an environmental struggle in my city. I live at the foot of the mountain and 2 years ago there was an attempt to blow up that mountain range and make a mountain highway.
There are 2 main reasons why we opposed it: it is a nature reserve and it contains a uranium mine.
We continue to fight to defend water, land and life. "The mountains are not to be touched" is our motto 💚.
I take this opportunity to leave you the links of my other SETs avaliable in MR.
Enjoy them🖤✨
@penny @missy @lust @suicidegirlsargentina @hispanohablantes
Thank @adam_bovary You are very attentive. I'm glad you're on the side of nature 💚✨
The beautiful great outdoors