I tag myself @lenore_m0rt
🖤Choose one, cats or dogs: Cats
🖤 Pick one, chatting or phoning?: Chatting.
🖤 Pick one, cheat or let them cheat?:
I think I prefer cheating....
🖤Pick one, chicken or beef?: Beef.
🖤 Pick one, Coke or Pepsi?: Neither.... I drink Seven or sprite for a hangover. Haha
🖤 Pick one, exceptional strength or intelligence: Intelligence, it's the primary tool to overcome anything.
🖤 Pick one, forgiveness or revenge: I always choose to forgive.... It takes me a while sometimes... But I do.
🖤 Pick one, free health care or free education: I think we should stay in the fight to keep both. And let them improve their facilities.
🖤Pick one, Halloween or Valentine's Day: Halloween?
🖤 Choose one, IOS or Android: Android.
🖤 Pick one, kill or die: This depends. I think that would be resolved at the time it's about to happen.
🖤Pick one, meat or fish: Meat.
🖤 Pick one, summer or winter: I prefer winter so I don't get scorched, but in the summer I certainly love to enjoy the evenings.
🖤Pick one, text messages or phone calls: Text messages plis!
🖤 Pick one, vanilla or chocolate?: Chocolate ♥
🖤 Pick one, sweet or salty: Salty...Chips and birra.... Beer always!
Challenge to @athina @sagittars @kittenblue @pumila @isarizada @silverfox_02
Thanks! @penny @missy @lemon @hispanohablantes @suicidegirlsargentina
✦ Elige uno, ¿gatos o perros?: Gatos