This is something I wrote to an other member that told me it likes greece so this conversation started and I just wanted to share it with you and hear your opinions. Witch is the member doesn't matter. I'm not going to give a name.
Youre insane but whatever
thats why I like you
. Greece. Greece has ONLY history and some ruins left from long ago. NOTHING else. Do you hear me? N-O-T-H-I-N-G
. The weather sucks, the people sucks, the place sucks because the people don't care about the enviroment/hiygene (or however its speled), the civilization here sucks, and generaly everything here sucks. Greece WAS beautyful 2000+++ years ago. Now its not. Sahara desert might have bein beautyful some millions of years ago when the dinosores lived. Is it now? Do you like sahara desert now? Anyway I don't care about nations. I hate it when I hear people say "I'm proud I'm from greece/america/japan/Italy etc etc etc" and stuf like that. People should be happy for everyone not just for the people from "their" country or "their" color or "their" religion etc etc because I believe that "patriotism" (loving your country ABOVE other countries) is a rasist thing just like people who hate black for their color or christians for their religion and stuf like that. If there were no religions and no countries/nations people wouldn't be so unhappy. People would have less reason't to kill each other. But I know... people NEED to belong into a team with other oposite "enemie" teams and fight throughout the ages to rule over others. They thing thats the right thing. "Hero" they will call you if you kill many "enemie" humans in the war and make your "nation" proud. You are a hero because you killed other humans who just hapened to be born in an other piece of solid ground in the earth. Humans divided the earth into countries and gave them diferent names. Why? Isn't it stupid? Is it right? People are not suposed to kill each other but its good when they kill for their country. Anyway you'll say that now I'm mubling and that you didn't say that but you just said that greek rock and stuff like that so I shouldn't be telling all thease things but you won't be corect. Because everything leads there. EVERYTHING. Patriotism in my opinion is rasism discuised in an other word. Diferent words humans made with the same meaning although.
Youre insane but whatever
kick ass convention in atlanta in sept..
Just got them, only for when I'm driving or in the cinema and stuff...