Update. So. How have you all bein?
Updated to say :
Jedit Ojanen
Definately by far THE worst card I have ever witnesed in MtG. And I thought that Trained Orgg and Vizerdrix were the worste. Not only he comes down with 7 lands but also those lands are not 6 colorles and one colored but 3 are colored and the rest are colorles plus its multicolored 1 blue and 2 white and its only 5/5 insted of 6/6 that Trained Orgg and Vizerdrix are. And the best of all till now not only he is rare but hi is LEGEND TOO!!!!! Alright its too powerfull to have it down 2 times don't you all agree (or at least those who play MtG)? Is there ANYONE who has this abomination in his/her deck anywere in the world right now? This card sucks. By the way if there are so sucky cards like that why did they make Enormus Baloth an uncommon? It should be ultra rare with all thease other cards wandering around.
Updated to say :
Definately by far THE worst card I have ever witnesed in MtG. And I thought that Trained Orgg and Vizerdrix were the worste. Not only he comes down with 7 lands but also those lands are not 6 colorles and one colored but 3 are colored and the rest are colorles plus its multicolored 1 blue and 2 white and its only 5/5 insted of 6/6 that Trained Orgg and Vizerdrix are. And the best of all till now not only he is rare but hi is LEGEND TOO!!!!! Alright its too powerfull to have it down 2 times don't you all agree (or at least those who play MtG)? Is there ANYONE who has this abomination in his/her deck anywere in the world right now? This card sucks. By the way if there are so sucky cards like that why did they make Enormus Baloth an uncommon? It should be ultra rare with all thease other cards wandering around.
1. Q.T.
2. Robert Rodriguiz
3. George A. Romero
4. David Fincher
5. Sam Raimi
Honorable Mention: Spike Lee & Kevin Smith