Today I'm gona make a new jurnal entry just to tell you about a very weird dream I had. Actualy I saw many dreams (as always) but I remember the last two only, so here they are. In the first dream I saw Elara (yes I saw Suicide Girls in my dreams for a second night in a row) and I asked her for an autograph
and gues what... she was pregnant
. The next dream I had was biger and even more exciting. I was a sort of jedi with some minor jedi powers, force push and force lighting. I wasn't very powerful though cauz I hadn't been trained as a jedi. And then there was Apnea too
and she was a jedi too but she only had force push plus it was not as strong as mine because she was just started to discover her powers (I started a litle bit earlier). We suposed to be in a relation ship (she was my girlfriend) but we where seperated for a while. That was because she was kept in my house (the one I live now) by my relatives as a prisoner and I was kept too but had escaped some time ago. As I was saying I went back to save her and take her with me (and live hapily ever after and stuf)
. There were some sort of aprentices of my relatives in the house, like robot soldiers and dogs. I went in hiden behind my room's door and waited the guards. A robot came (I could see his reflection in an other room's door) and I used force lighting to him when he got very close. I defited the dogs too and took Apnea with me. Then I threw her out of the balcony (our apartment is in the first floor but noone ever gets hurt when falls from the specific balcony in my dreems) and went back to take our shues so we could walk away in the streets. They already knew about our escapeand they were hanting us. I fall from the balcony took Apnea and started to run. We hide in a smal aley and I was bleeding for a reason I don't know why. We were tieing our shues when my uncle stoped near us in a motorcycle. Then me and Apnea pretended we were kissing so he wouldn't see our faces and he walked in a shop to buy something. (p.s. That was suposed to be a dream and me and Apnea suposed to be in love and we suposed we were kising but when we pretended we were kising, so my uncle couldn't see our faces and recognise us, but when I "kised" her it was fake, we just stuck each other's lips into the other's chic and we were moving our heads so it looked like we were kising. I can't believe I can't even kiss someone even in a dream in wich that someone is suposed to be my girlfriend ARGGG
). Well after that Apnea tied her shues faster than me and when my uncle went out of the shop, I was still trying to tie my last shue when Apnea decided to be more "macho" went up walked tawords my uncle (who just found some of his aprentices waiting him near the shop) and said outloud "hey you, we are here cach us if you can" (or something like that I don't remember exactly) and I was like "hey what are you doing I haven't tied my shue yet and I can't run like that
, but she wasn't listening (damn Apnea what were you thinking
) and ofcourse they started to run towards us to get us. We started to run but you know how it is when someone is chasing you in a dream but you cant run fast nomater how fast you are in reality. That was hapening to us but gues what hapened... they couldn't run either
, that's unbelievable, it hapens for the first time, I wasn't the only slow guy plus I had force push and lighting. In the end me and Apnea found some other jedi people who saved us and they would train us as well so we could use uor powers
. That was the end of this very weird dream. Well whatever
thats all for today and have a nice day
. Now the question of this jurnal entry is: Did you ever had a very weird dream that you liked and what was it about?
Plus this time I want you to ask me something too
just fo a change.

Plus this time I want you to ask me something too


i reside in everything and everyone only because theyre giving ME power