Hello again. I was bored and desided to write an other jurnal. So how've you been? In september I might have the chance to visit England and thats beautiful (sudenly I'll live this junk place which suposed to be a country at least for some days). Anyway I am doing many many things here. I sleep I wake then I chec my e-mails and SG for comments in my jurnal then I seet alone in my room having nothing to do but stear at the walls then chec my e-mails and SG jurnal again then look at the walls again and this keep going. I HATE summer. Its hot (specialy here) wich I hate plus I have nothing to do bat seet and stear the walls. The TV doesn't have anything interesting, only news 25 hours the day and sometimes stupid ancient movies and crapy serials. I have no PC games to play (I am sooooo drepresed by the time I finished Vampire the Masquerade) and everything is sooooo boring here. I want to live and go to a cold place that every day rains with many options for having fun.
Bye now and when I thing of something new I'll write again.
Bye now and when I thing of something new I'll write again.
elpizw na se kala.. tha se petyxw logika kai online na ta pume
elpizw na su aresei to site