While showering this morning I noticed a few spots on my back were really sore. Upon further investigation I discovered two massive black bruises. One about 3/4 down on the right side of my back and the second below it just above my ass. I assume these are the result of my adventures around town Friday night, but I can't think of a single event that would have led to them. Hrm...
Speaking of Friday night, or rather Saturday morning as it was 2:30am, I ended up at a beautiful house in Victorian Village. Gorgeous hardwood floors, huge kitchen, gigantic bathrooms (one was painted a hideous shade of green, though), I was ready to move in and take over. Then I saw the stripper pole in the basement. The finishing touch on the ultimate bachelor pad. So classy.
Speaking of Friday night, or rather Saturday morning as it was 2:30am, I ended up at a beautiful house in Victorian Village. Gorgeous hardwood floors, huge kitchen, gigantic bathrooms (one was painted a hideous shade of green, though), I was ready to move in and take over. Then I saw the stripper pole in the basement. The finishing touch on the ultimate bachelor pad. So classy.

So now the question leads to who's house were you at? and even more importantly did you practice on the pole?????