fifty three degrees outside according to weather bug calculations.. and for an arizona native darling, that's brutal.
i'm doing freelance and going to the university for womens' studies and creative writing, hopefully will publish soon. recently lost my job at a nearby florist and am hoping to work at an indepently owned book store next, an aspiration of mine since childhood.
and thank you, though i'm sure i deserve the compliment.
I don't see much wrong with a little wine and dine action. You should join up the SGAZ group. Send Inara a message that you want to be added to the group. We met up and hung out for a party this saturday and it was a lot of fun. I will have pics up soon.
Uh, that wasn't about the ulcer. Sorry to hear about that.
No, the laugh was because of a few things: I was actually just talking to Flux about you the other night (about how you had me as a friend and her as a fave), you called her rockabilly (which I bet she totally is), you picked up on sarcasm that I don't really remember using (and seemed to like it - woo!), and you're doing what I did when I first started on here - replying to people's comments in your own journal. While there's nothing wrong with the practice, it's more common to respond to someone's remarks on their own page so they don't miss it. Heh - I just now saw your response to my first comment, for instance.
Well, now you're my friend too. And I hope your ulcer issue clears up soon. People leaving always sucks.
On a different note - are you British? You sure sound it.