** WARNING: Rant! **
agh! .. I'm getting really annoyed with london transport... it's all that bloody mayor's fault i guess.
Today I heard of yet another phone stolen on the N29 bendy bus... they reckon you can fit more people on a bendy than a double decker - which is true if everyone is so crammed they can't breathe. So they reduce the bus frequency, the buses get packed and people's phones go missing.
These same buses are also a bugger to cyclists/motorcyclists but that's another thing.
It was in the pursuit of getting lower emissions of the prettymuch harmless gas that is carbon dioxide that they fitted all buses with boxes that turned the CO2 into something dangerous to breathe - but that's OK, as long as it's not carbon
It's also a carbon thing which they were using to charge people more to park if their car emits more CO2 - but no cars do while parked so that's just silly.
..same with congestion charge going up for 4x4s - you need an offroader for london 'cos most of the roads are so potholled or speedbumped it's like being offroad. But they are taxed more anyway - if they are 'gas guzzlers' then they pay much more per mile in tax than anyone else anyways - it's a fair system that works - it's just milking those that can afford it.
... and now they are going to fuck people over with prepay oyster.
I thought it was a good idea to make things cheaper and easier for people who live in london so give them cards. But now cash fares have gone up so much it's penalising you for not getting an oyster.... so everyone gets one, fair enough, it works - but hang on, that's not screwing people over enough so they decide that if you forget to tag out within 2 hours then you're fined 'the maximum cash fare' (4quid - NOT part of the daily cap) - They could have just charged you the max oyster fare or done something clever, but nope - wait till everyone has oyster then fine them... great.
So, yeah the only solution is to get a motorbike... but wait - you can't take it anywhere 'cos it'll get nicked.
I'll write more about me soon... just wanted a rant... think it started 'cos there was a socialist in the pub the other day
oh.. um.. book your taxis with Where2guv.com - should have the shared service for London and manchester live in the next few days.
agh! .. I'm getting really annoyed with london transport... it's all that bloody mayor's fault i guess.
Today I heard of yet another phone stolen on the N29 bendy bus... they reckon you can fit more people on a bendy than a double decker - which is true if everyone is so crammed they can't breathe. So they reduce the bus frequency, the buses get packed and people's phones go missing.
These same buses are also a bugger to cyclists/motorcyclists but that's another thing.
It was in the pursuit of getting lower emissions of the prettymuch harmless gas that is carbon dioxide that they fitted all buses with boxes that turned the CO2 into something dangerous to breathe - but that's OK, as long as it's not carbon

It's also a carbon thing which they were using to charge people more to park if their car emits more CO2 - but no cars do while parked so that's just silly.
..same with congestion charge going up for 4x4s - you need an offroader for london 'cos most of the roads are so potholled or speedbumped it's like being offroad. But they are taxed more anyway - if they are 'gas guzzlers' then they pay much more per mile in tax than anyone else anyways - it's a fair system that works - it's just milking those that can afford it.
... and now they are going to fuck people over with prepay oyster.
I thought it was a good idea to make things cheaper and easier for people who live in london so give them cards. But now cash fares have gone up so much it's penalising you for not getting an oyster.... so everyone gets one, fair enough, it works - but hang on, that's not screwing people over enough so they decide that if you forget to tag out within 2 hours then you're fined 'the maximum cash fare' (4quid - NOT part of the daily cap) - They could have just charged you the max oyster fare or done something clever, but nope - wait till everyone has oyster then fine them... great.
So, yeah the only solution is to get a motorbike... but wait - you can't take it anywhere 'cos it'll get nicked.
I'll write more about me soon... just wanted a rant... think it started 'cos there was a socialist in the pub the other day

oh.. um.. book your taxis with Where2guv.com - should have the shared service for London and manchester live in the next few days.

yeah I actually thought of you when it went up because I remembered you had a fear of moths and butterflies! Arg Im glad to not live in as big a city as London when it coems to things like that!