I seem to be neglecting this 'ere SG thing a bit at the mo ... too busy looking for jobs 'cos I'm too poor - although keep going out which doesn't help.
Neeed to get a part-time job methinks.. my enterprises aren't sustaining my lifestyle
I'm thinking of returning to uni or college or something and then getting a more proper job.... question is... do I choose a career in something I like but will be poorly paid or something I won't like as much which is paid more.
Like I want to get into the technical side of stage/broadcast/production but I'll never be rich ...or I could become a lawyer and be rich but less happy at work (although more happy out of work 'cos I can afford to do stuff)... bored of doing IT now.. and there's no jobs in it anyway.
Neeed to get a part-time job methinks.. my enterprises aren't sustaining my lifestyle

I'm thinking of returning to uni or college or something and then getting a more proper job.... question is... do I choose a career in something I like but will be poorly paid or something I won't like as much which is paid more.
Like I want to get into the technical side of stage/broadcast/production but I'll never be rich ...or I could become a lawyer and be rich but less happy at work (although more happy out of work 'cos I can afford to do stuff)... bored of doing IT now.. and there's no jobs in it anyway.
I would say go for the thing you love but that route hasn't been too sucessful for me....maybe you'll have to take the practical option with money, how dull!
What enterprises have you got going?