My brain hurts now!
Tuesday night... Annalee came down so drinks in the ship were arranged where I met some of the nice SGUK people .... it's not bad in the ship and the beer is good too!
Then onto metros where the drinks are cheap and the music loud ... now speaking to a friend who wasn't drinking that night there maybe quite a few blanks in my memory from that night.
I do remember as I was dancing with
Leola and Vicky some guy asking me if either was my girlfriend ... so I said 'both' and he believed me
(sorry, I ruined your chances with that guy you 2
Wednesday night....
Gig at the underworld... we got there a bit late and so missed the 1st band.. but aparently it's better that way
next up were Red Harvest.
never heard them before.. wasn't impressed when they first came on .. but it kinda went a bit doomy at the end and were cool.
Then on came arcturus...

I'd only heard a few tracks from them before.. they were sweet... they put on a great show all dressed up in medieval garb and with dancing muses with bloody apples
...and they totally rocked too... and just that little bit wacky that made them supercool!
This dude is huuge!
one of the girls got her hair stuck in this guy's guitar!
After the gig there was a club night in the same place (camden underworld) .. was a little too punky/emo for my liking.. but still not bad - I think it was pretty uneventful.
Tonight is a night off from going out and tommorrow I think it's 'rock' at the mean fiddler - although I'm pretty sure someone asked me to sincity.. I forget who!
Right..... lunchtime!
(oh yeah.. the gig photos aren't mine.. they're stolen from Here )
Tuesday night... Annalee came down so drinks in the ship were arranged where I met some of the nice SGUK people .... it's not bad in the ship and the beer is good too!
Then onto metros where the drinks are cheap and the music loud ... now speaking to a friend who wasn't drinking that night there maybe quite a few blanks in my memory from that night.
I do remember as I was dancing with
Leola and Vicky some guy asking me if either was my girlfriend ... so I said 'both' and he believed me

Wednesday night....
Gig at the underworld... we got there a bit late and so missed the 1st band.. but aparently it's better that way

next up were Red Harvest.
never heard them before.. wasn't impressed when they first came on .. but it kinda went a bit doomy at the end and were cool.
Then on came arcturus...
I'd only heard a few tracks from them before.. they were sweet... they put on a great show all dressed up in medieval garb and with dancing muses with bloody apples
...and they totally rocked too... and just that little bit wacky that made them supercool!
This dude is huuge!
one of the girls got her hair stuck in this guy's guitar!
After the gig there was a club night in the same place (camden underworld) .. was a little too punky/emo for my liking.. but still not bad - I think it was pretty uneventful.
Tonight is a night off from going out and tommorrow I think it's 'rock' at the mean fiddler - although I'm pretty sure someone asked me to sincity.. I forget who!
Right..... lunchtime!
(oh yeah.. the gig photos aren't mine.. they're stolen from Here )
The music video was shot at canary wharf in some apartment so probably was just round the corner from you!