Life continues to hurtle onwards, by day I'm doing picture editing and design work for BSkyB, by night its gigs or chilling with the lady. I need to see my friends, who I'm now terming 'outsiders', but its hard when committing a whole evening can jeopardize practice.
I had an epiphany Last week where I thought 'fuck it' i'm going to ditch the script and talk about some ideas. It was the best gig I've ever had. Making up jokes on stage, and telling stories that popped into my head, I felt like I was free falling. I did about five minutes, but It was probably the best creative thing I've ever done. I'm glad Cara was there. I got off stage and a fellow comedian actually lifted me up in celebration.
Tomorrow I do ten minutes, with a new approach. I'm going to be half scripted, but also have five minutes of ideas to play with. That way I can dip in, and if they working keep going. Scripted material gets dull, and makes my performance 'flatter' so I'm going to try to use different words to help make me think of new little ideas to experiment with. Even if tomorrow is terrible I can always remember Last weeks gig.
In other news I am desperate to get ink. Firstly I want my birds reworked, Kellymonsters sweet new ink has given me hope, then I want 42 (I am currently obsessed with Douglas Adams - thanks for the radio shows David), and most importantly I want "Relax, we're all dieing" on my wrist. Its the most calming mantra I know.
But Money is super tight right now, I owe two months rent, have serious debt in both current and credit card accounts and have what seems like a trickle of cash to pay for them all plus christmas. It's good that I have become less object orientated this year. I download movies and use Spotify. I go see bands rather then buying CDs, and have accepted that I have enough Clothes for three oddly dressed men. Caps however will remain my bain. I'm pretty healthy too, excusing salt and the recent flux of birthday cake.
I shall see some of you this weekend, hopefully with the lady.
Take care amigos,
I had an epiphany Last week where I thought 'fuck it' i'm going to ditch the script and talk about some ideas. It was the best gig I've ever had. Making up jokes on stage, and telling stories that popped into my head, I felt like I was free falling. I did about five minutes, but It was probably the best creative thing I've ever done. I'm glad Cara was there. I got off stage and a fellow comedian actually lifted me up in celebration.
Tomorrow I do ten minutes, with a new approach. I'm going to be half scripted, but also have five minutes of ideas to play with. That way I can dip in, and if they working keep going. Scripted material gets dull, and makes my performance 'flatter' so I'm going to try to use different words to help make me think of new little ideas to experiment with. Even if tomorrow is terrible I can always remember Last weeks gig.
In other news I am desperate to get ink. Firstly I want my birds reworked, Kellymonsters sweet new ink has given me hope, then I want 42 (I am currently obsessed with Douglas Adams - thanks for the radio shows David), and most importantly I want "Relax, we're all dieing" on my wrist. Its the most calming mantra I know.
But Money is super tight right now, I owe two months rent, have serious debt in both current and credit card accounts and have what seems like a trickle of cash to pay for them all plus christmas. It's good that I have become less object orientated this year. I download movies and use Spotify. I go see bands rather then buying CDs, and have accepted that I have enough Clothes for three oddly dressed men. Caps however will remain my bain. I'm pretty healthy too, excusing salt and the recent flux of birthday cake.
I shall see some of you this weekend, hopefully with the lady.
Take care amigos,

Sending you some love before you go xxx

Why wait ? Get an x10 kettle adapter instead!