so whats up?
I barely write anything real lately, I tend to pour everything into my comedy, or music. Works been tough, but having a new producer to assist has made life better. Three days left.
I met up with some old friends I lived with in Canada last night which rocked. We ate Thai food and joked around. I felt gutted walking home, we were just getting started. More meets soon. I Also ended up talking to my x of 5 years on the phone Tuesday, which was odd as it turned into a booty call. I resisted. History is just that.
Unless Cleopatra hollas.
I'm down with milk baths.
Comedy wise I have a load of new material. I've been pushing myself to write in different styles: abstracts, abstract observational, rants, and micro comedy. I've developed a persona which helps make my viewpoint more accessible (skater drug fall out kid), but i want to have freedom to express different attitudes and styles within that. Eddy Izzards routine about being caught jumping a train fare always sticks in my mind because it was a step aside from his usual abstract observation. I think comedy is fresher if you can switch styles on people.
Watching Stewart Lee has been inspiring. For some reason I find his pace on TV less enthralling then in person, but the end of this weeks Comedy Vehicle (check Iplayer) was genius encapsulated. I'm taking a copy of the show out to Canada to play it to my buddies. I've also grabbed Simon Munnerys 'Attention scum', 'This morning with Richard not Judy', 'Fist of Fun', and Richard Pryor's cued up for bed viewing tonight.
Gig wise I've had a great run. I'm not sure if its familiarity with the material or increasing experience, but the last few shows I've found the mental breathing space to think ahead, improv and react. there's nothing better then experimenting successfully with an audience. My last show was in front of a fabric wall and before i realised I was talking with it. I'm happy I'm finding the space to think, and my acting's improving.
Right now I'm just stoked that people reacted so positively to my last two shows.
Its time for new material though. If i can constantly gig well, with two separate sets, chances are I will get offered longer sets. stage death is coming, but its cool. I'm hungry to learn, plus the more positive gigs i have the more i believe i can do this.
The radio show is a little slow right now whilst I'm developing a new character who will bring a darker edge. Its proving problematic to merge someone so fucking evil into it, but i need that outlet. Its all about merging styles.
I'm off to Canada next Thursday. I'm scared my wrist is gonna snap snowboarding. I think we're gonna be ridding hard, probably with jagger hang overs. All my buddies are park rats so I'll try get some decent bail footage. maybe even some bone.
Were getting some ink out there too which will be a bonus, i need to get some ink from that city.
what else?
I have some new music as part of SILENT CITY. EP's still on the cards. I may even have a guest verse from someone you might have heard of. I'm not saying shit till he's sent me the 16.
Oh and if you want to freak out a Starbucks employee decline a spoon for your fruit salad by holding up the seven spoons in your pocket.
Must remember: girls don't like spoons.
hows you?
I barely write anything real lately, I tend to pour everything into my comedy, or music. Works been tough, but having a new producer to assist has made life better. Three days left.
I met up with some old friends I lived with in Canada last night which rocked. We ate Thai food and joked around. I felt gutted walking home, we were just getting started. More meets soon. I Also ended up talking to my x of 5 years on the phone Tuesday, which was odd as it turned into a booty call. I resisted. History is just that.
Unless Cleopatra hollas.
I'm down with milk baths.
Comedy wise I have a load of new material. I've been pushing myself to write in different styles: abstracts, abstract observational, rants, and micro comedy. I've developed a persona which helps make my viewpoint more accessible (skater drug fall out kid), but i want to have freedom to express different attitudes and styles within that. Eddy Izzards routine about being caught jumping a train fare always sticks in my mind because it was a step aside from his usual abstract observation. I think comedy is fresher if you can switch styles on people.
Watching Stewart Lee has been inspiring. For some reason I find his pace on TV less enthralling then in person, but the end of this weeks Comedy Vehicle (check Iplayer) was genius encapsulated. I'm taking a copy of the show out to Canada to play it to my buddies. I've also grabbed Simon Munnerys 'Attention scum', 'This morning with Richard not Judy', 'Fist of Fun', and Richard Pryor's cued up for bed viewing tonight.
Gig wise I've had a great run. I'm not sure if its familiarity with the material or increasing experience, but the last few shows I've found the mental breathing space to think ahead, improv and react. there's nothing better then experimenting successfully with an audience. My last show was in front of a fabric wall and before i realised I was talking with it. I'm happy I'm finding the space to think, and my acting's improving.
Right now I'm just stoked that people reacted so positively to my last two shows.
Its time for new material though. If i can constantly gig well, with two separate sets, chances are I will get offered longer sets. stage death is coming, but its cool. I'm hungry to learn, plus the more positive gigs i have the more i believe i can do this.
The radio show is a little slow right now whilst I'm developing a new character who will bring a darker edge. Its proving problematic to merge someone so fucking evil into it, but i need that outlet. Its all about merging styles.
I'm off to Canada next Thursday. I'm scared my wrist is gonna snap snowboarding. I think we're gonna be ridding hard, probably with jagger hang overs. All my buddies are park rats so I'll try get some decent bail footage. maybe even some bone.
Were getting some ink out there too which will be a bonus, i need to get some ink from that city.
what else?
I have some new music as part of SILENT CITY. EP's still on the cards. I may even have a guest verse from someone you might have heard of. I'm not saying shit till he's sent me the 16.
Oh and if you want to freak out a Starbucks employee decline a spoon for your fruit salad by holding up the seven spoons in your pocket.
Must remember: girls don't like spoons.
hows you?
Have an awesome time in Canada, got my fingers crossed you don't break anything too bad, or if you do, at least manage to make some money back off You've Been Framed

Have you got Stewart Lee tickets?