Saturday Jan 10, 2009 Jan 9, 2009 0 Facebook Tweet Email what do you do if you like a girl in your coffee shop, talk to her? na... Latte Crush beat by the talented Cthulhu. VIEW 14 of 14 COMMENTS causy: Me too. Well, not bring them. I'll do the other half of that famous Blue Peter institution.... the Bring & Buy sale. So, you bring a backpack of shirts, I'll buy a shopping bag full of them on the day (because I 'forgot' to bring enough ) Jan 11, 2009 johnnyforeigner: I can only aspire to gay Russian fishing love dreams ("Sergei, I am cold!" "Andrei, I shall warm you! FEEL MY WARMTH!") Who could resist? Jan 12, 2009
I'll do the other half of that famous Blue Peter institution.... the Bring & Buy sale.
So, you bring a backpack of shirts, I'll buy a shopping bag full of them on the day (because I 'forgot' to bring enough
Who could resist?