Hey hey everyone,
I honestly wish you all the best with your journeys, here is a bunch of links you should check out.
@Hopefulsuicidegirls Instagram-
I created the @hopefulsuicidegirls instagram page. Which is now on 363k, which is amazing.
Check it out and follow for the latest MR sets that go up and for hot babes being posted daily (Also a big thank you to @channy @discoverelle ). When I first started it, it was my own personal "backup page" which had 10k followers on it, I deleted all my pics from it and changed all the bio, and boom, HOPEFUL LOVE TIME from me!!!
I now have a few rules to be posted on it, (just like any "shoutout" page has, including the @suicidegirls instagram)
It just makes it easier and fair for everyone, including us girls who spend our free time posting on there for you all, please respect that.
1: You MUST have a set already in Member Review. (Not in the queue) This makes it more exciting for when your set goes live in MR :)
I understand that everyone wants to have a shoutout, be involved etc, but that is what this website is for, getting involved with the Groups, Posting on other girls pics and liking them etc.
I have said it a hundred thousand times, SG is a WEBSITE, not an instagram modelling page. ;) Yes we all love Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr and having lots of followers and being posted but this is just some rules to keep it fair for everyone and to post HOPEFULS who are in the game with their sets in with a chance of going "Front Page" and them going "Pink" .
2. You must have your SG Link in your bio. i.e.: suicidegirls.com/girls/vorpal or vorpal.suicidegirls.com is mine. Yours will be suicidegirls.com/members/_____ - this is a simple one. You will be featured on the @HopefulSuicideGirls page if you have your link to you Suicidegirls page and are following the other rules.
3. Tag your photographers! Please always tag your photographers and thank them in the comments :) This way if someone wants to see who shot the set it is there :) We don't always know the photographers, or sometimes they don't have their links in their bio so we cant tag them, as thats the page rules. So if you see yourself get posted, please tag your photographers :)
4. Join in on the daily hashtags we post.
For SuicideGirls and Hopefuls:
Following on from the hopefuls instagram, here is some other Social Networking tips-
- This group is full of helpful tips and "how to's" spend some time looking through this whole group and you'll know whats up in no time.
How to put your SG link in your Instagram bio
- @lyxzen made this lil blog about something we all need to know how to do haha
- My girl @strangemickey has been writing these awesome weekly tips, these are a must see
- I get a lot of questions about the Hopefuls Periscope I made, I handed this over to the Queen on Periscope @rambo and she made this cool lil blog about how to go about joining in etc.
Connecting your Instagram to your SG page
- Awesome feature. This tells you how to connect your Instagram and SG page together. When you tag @suicidegirls or #suicidegirls or #sg on Instagram it will post the picture and caption to your SG page! HOW AWESOME. Still remember to spend time in group chat or posting blogs on your page too, but this keeps your page fresh and updated.
Helpful Links:
- This is a group thread where you can say hello and find new babes to chat with.
- This is a group thread where you can post photos of your new set so everyone can see them without being too overwhelming and posting it everywhere on the site ;)
- This page is a must. If you want to shoot for SuicideGirls make sure you have read this entire page and understand it.
- If you're finding blogging a lil difficult or you aren't sure what to blog about, this page is for you. Weekly blog homework with the chance to have your blog featured on the front page of Suicidegirls.com.....get blogging.
- Hopefuls you will find EVERYTHING in these two groups. YAY. Settle in with a nice cup of tea or glass of wine and start reading haha.
- You can search the staff photographers to see if someone is close to you.
SG Photographer Hopefuls Group
- A group for the photographers wanting to be staff, also a place to find photographers you might want to work with.
- Speaking of Photographers, here is their guide to shooting SG sets, I also find this an awesome read for the models.
- You can find the Model Guide here as well.
- Here you can see all the photo sets coming out. I always love seeing who is before me and after me :D
- FAQ on the site.
- More Helpful Info
- When all else fails spend some time here.
- or here.
If you still have any questions that is not answered here please leave a comment and let me know and I'll add it in :)
I hope you have learn't one new thing here, haha.
No, I hope you will spend your time getting to know whats what with the site and making new friends, blogging, and checking out hot babes.
Good luck everyone.
All my love,
Vorps x