Wow, where to even begin? Put it this way, this blog is going to be a massive one full of about 50 images.....
Lets start from the beginning.
I woke up at 5am the morning of the 17th. Of course I couldn't sleep. I was too excited for what was coming my way.
I then stupidly went online shopping didn't I!! About an hour later I had woken Caleb up as I had just spent over $200 on Sigma Brushes. Here I was thinking I had gotten a sick deal, (sigma had a sale on) I realised that $142 USD was over $200 in AUD!!!!
My day then went on as it began. We got stuck in roadworks on the way to the airport and missed out check in time by literally 6 mins and the guy didn't let us on. I even had called to say I would be a tad late and the lady on the phone said as long as we ran to check in we would be fine.....yep that didn't happen. SOOOO we lost that money as they wouldn't refund us and the only flight with that airline was at 6:45pm and it was currently 9:45am. I then went off at the guy more than I ever have to any customer service rep. I cried, then spoke to the other airlines and managed to get us a flight 2 hours later for $585. Later that day I realised that the woman had overcharged me by $300. She had entered $885 not $585 into the eftpos machine and I didn't check and yeah...end of story for that one, I went to the service desk at the end of the flight and the woman there told me she couldn't do anything about it, even though she could see my bank statement right in front of her and gave me a number to call, that person then told me they couldn't do anything about it and that I would have to lodge a form on their website and wait 15-30 business days to possibly get my money back. UGH. SO fucking ridiculous. (I have to lodge the form straight after writing all this up,....priorities right, haha) My fave watch had also broken on the plane and Im still upset about that. The only thing that made me feel better about all this shit was the fact that I found a Miffy money box at the airport which made me smile.
OK, we got to Melbs and I was stupidly annoyed and upset etc. We then walked to the AMAZING place we were staying in, 5 mins walk from Melbourne Central. Which was just awesome and convenient! Dropped our bags off, had a 15 min lay down and headed to shop !! We then got my fave Schnitz!!! I had waited 1.4 years for that baby! Then @christina and her man arrived, but we had an early night in after such a crazy day. I slept like shit that night, I had forgotten a lllll my sleeping stuff and the pillows were crap. I suck at sleeping usually so I take Resuce Remedy and I use Red Seal- Sleepy Tea and weed, but I didn't have any of it :( Next morning we went out for breakfast and the lil cafe around the corner was great! We probably went there like 4/5 times in 3 days !!
The fun then started! I scheduled my first shoot, with the babe I have waited to meet for years @Emmameow ! The lighting killed me but fuck she is incredible and we got awesome shots together! Poor Caleb has to edit them ;)
@emmameow boyfi took this BTS shot and I'm obsessed with it:
Here is a selfie of us together <3 :
@Kyla then took a few pics of us together (another BTS from Luie)
After that, I mentioned to @Kyla that I wanted to take a few shots of just me in my bunny ears I had with me, little did I know then that this would later become my fave set Ive ever done. We started shooting and it just was going so perfectly (Kyla and I have had crushes on each other for almost 2 years now....we work so well together). I wasn't scheduled to shoot my set with Kyla for 2 more days but it just worked and we shot it in less than 40 mins. Im still trying to think of a name. Suggestions are welcome :)
Here are 2 previews of the set:
and here is a photo of Kyla and I, we are going to get kissing photos every time we are together, we have a few from last year too haha, I swear if I wasn't with Caleb, I would try to be with her :
annnnnd some selfies from the day:
These two featuring Caleb haha :
Later that night we went and purchased my fave pillow and grabbed some tea from T2 which helped me sleep, I needed it after the crazy 2 previous days and the fact that the next day was the biggest of the whole trip.
Next morning, I headed to @Frankndame apartment, which was a 5 min walk thank goodness lol. I am so in love with their work. Jamie is actually amazing and Im so glad I finally got to work with them.
We shot my set, god damn she makes you work for it. Im STILL sore from the posing. I shot my first wall/couch set :D super excited to see it. We did so well, and the next girl who was scheduled to work with them didn't arrived that we decided to just keep going and shot a table set as well! SO far I had shot 3 sets when I was only scheduled to have shot 1!
Here is some cute/silly pics with @Frankndame:
I also saw @ambra and @channy at the house :
After the shoot I headed back to my place to meet up with @peggysue ! It was the first time we had seen each other in 1.4 years.....he LONGEST we had been apart since we first met. When she knocked on my door, and I opened it, neither of us said anything for a good 2 minutes. We both just got teary and stared at each other and then cuddled. No matter how far apart, or for how long, nothing changes with us and it never will. Funnily enough the only selfies I got with her were when we were in the elevator that night and at the club and they're dark and just not good. (You'll see some that Caleb and Saul took further down this blog of us together)
I shot Peggy for about an hour at my place in just random outfits as she wanted new pics of herself to post on social media. They will be up soon. I also cameo'd naked in a few hahaha Cant wait to post that one.
OK, so after I shot peggy, we both attempted to have naps but it didn't work so we got up and got ready for the annual SGAU Ball.
This was the first ball I had attended. This was the first ball I was performing at. This was the first event that I was headlining. FUCK. My social anxiety had been kicking in for WEEKS. SO many times I had told @christina and Peggy that I wasn't sure that I would go on. I was so nervous, and here I am, I had performed all around America and Australia for the BlackHeart Burlesque tour. I was just under the impression that most of the SGAU community didn't like me.....well thats what my head tells me most of the time, that people don't like me etc....I later on that night found out that it was pretty much the complete opposite.
We got to the Ball all dressed up. The theme was Gothic. I had managed to find a "Gothic Alice in Wonderland Red Queen" outfit and holy shit it was perfect. I felt AMAZING in it.
I had SUCH a great time at the ball, I got super drunk so I could perform later that night. I saw lots of babes, met new babes, made up with Augustus Winchester (long story, its on his instagram if you wanna know about it haha)
Then it was time to announce the winner of Best Dressed. Ambra was runner up....and I WON!!! I couldn't even believe it. Thank you to everyone who voted for me!
Next up, was me to finish off the night.....
I went up, spoke, and then called up Emmameow, Kyla and Peggysue, I then called up Caleb (He had NO idea that I had organised to have him come up weeks prior) I then asked Emma, Kyla and Peggy "Vorpal" questions. Emma got hers half right which was actually hilarious as the question was " When did I go to America for the BHB tour?" she answered with "Novemeber 2015" ........2015.......i kept trying to make her see where she had gone wrong but in her head she had 100% said the right answer. I couldnt believe how cute this lil munchkin was haha. She eventually got it. Then I asked kyla her question and then I asked Peggysue to name all my sets which she got. Then the striptease started.
I ended up with 6 carpet burns, 2 on each feet and one on each knee and they STILL hurt so much 4 days later...but as you can see from the photos...completely worth it.
Here are a bunch of photos from the ball and my performance :)
Augustus and I being sassy to each other:
SG @Verde :
Augustus and I again:
Redheads hopeful @sunflower , me and photographer @kyla
Me and SG @emmameow kissing <3
Vampires are us ;) lol
@exkyu and I being cute AF:
Me and my main man Caleb:
@Peggysue man Matty Peggy and I
Cutie patootie SG @Pebblezink and I :
Just being us....
@kyla and I just being drunk and cute
@kyla and i dancing pt1
Hopeful @goth and I
Me, hopeful @electra and SG @peggysue with booootttaaayyyy
@kyla and i dancing pt2
Here is a cute pic Peggy got of Caleb and I dancing, the way this guy looks at me is incredible :
Now for my performance photos:
SO that was fun.
The next day I was a lil sad, it was "going home day" ! We headed to Kylas and I was going to shoot, but after the whole weekend I just wasn't feeling it. SO we chucked some hangs and then Emma and her man dropped Caleb and i back to the city so we could head home.
Here is a cute selfie I took on Kylas phone (I stole her phone and took SO many photos on it haha)
Here is a final pic of Caleb and I on the bus on the way to the airport....completely broken.
I hope you enjoyed this long ass blog. I had so much fun and I loved the weekend and can not wait for the next one and to upload my new sets :)
Love Vorps xxxx