well if you want help on the posting of the picture thing I can help out if you havent figured it out yet.... first load it into your pics tab that is below your friends list and shit... then once you have it loaded there you right click on the picture you want and go to the properties and click on that then copy the web address location thing (the whole hhtp:/ what ever is is.jpeg/) and then go to your journal and hit you Image insewrt icon and then paste that web address from your pic in there (make sure it doesnt have the extra http:/ that is comes with already when your image window pops up...I did that my first attempt) then it should go in once you hit submit... hope that helps
OK... I am totally banging my head against the wall here. THe problem is that I cannot get the actual URL (web address) of the photo in a link. I never see the http://path.to.photo.jpg address. When I right-click and copy the link, I get something like this: