OK! Six months of russian from the DOD which is the equivalent to two years in an Academic setting, I am dreaming Vocabulary and I have this new found desire to flood my insides with Vodka. What in the F@#K was I thinking?? I should have taken Indonesian or Tagalog. Only four months and sounds similar to spanish. UnF#$king Believable. On a good note though my new bike frame should be done in Mid May and that will comsume my time and my wallet. Redneck Engineering is a great company that provides quality (100%) chop parts and frames for everyones knuckle dragging desires.
Language school is a kick in the crotch, no matter which way one thinks about it.
Going to NYC in july! And to Cali!!
Language school is a kick in the crotch, no matter which way one thinks about it.
Going to NYC in july! And to Cali!!

Oooh, oooh, I want to visit Cali! Ive never been, but I want to so badly. Im thinking abt moving somewhere, but I am not sure where, exactly. I know I want to go where it isnt brutally cold all the time, and somewhere it's not blazing hot all the time. Kinda somewhere in the middle, if there is such a place. I just dont know. I was raised in a very small town and I know I dont want to do that ... but now that I live in the big city, I know I dont want that EITHER, lol! Im very confused, as u can see.