So whats new.. I can finally see abit better and the world is not so fuzzy. This will hopefully help out with being able to start learning some russsian once agian. Currently I am in a holding pattern for failure if I cannot get caught back up with it. PRK eye surgery is rough , get lasik.
my new set isnt as good as the last one, sadly. It was meant for another site like suicide girls, but we had a falling out, so I am going to sell it to SG instead. Origionally, I didnt think it was good enough to go here, which is why I was going to sell it to another site. But they screwed me over, so Im gonna give it to missy, she says she likes it ... so we'll see. I dont think its anywhere NEAR as good, but I have several other set ideas that will be really really good ... just keep in touch, they should be out within the year!! (psssst ... one of them is a piercing shoot!)