Have pulled an unintentional all-nighter. Again. Fortunately it was Friday into Saturday, so I don't have to worry about work. It hit quarter to five am, birds started chirping loudly, and I figured: fuck it. So I brewed some coffee, sat out on the porch with a cigar in my recently departed grandfather's cap and watched the sun rise with my neighbor's cat. Probably the only positive insomniac experience I've ever had. Now it's 7:30 am and I'm debating trying to sleep or continuing to watch reruns of "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" and "Tosh.O". I don't have anything to do until late afternoon so maybe I'll just ride it out. Allons-y!
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Friday Mar 14, 2008
I came across her profile picture on MySpace tonight. It was through… -
Monday Jan 14, 2008
Things that can just fucking eat my ass: 1) Online dating websites 2… -
Thursday Jan 03, 2008
New year = new blog to anyone reading. I'm not all that thrilled by … -
Monday Nov 26, 2007
I'm well overdue for a blog but can't think of anything to write. Um… -
Friday Oct 26, 2007
Blah. Home sick from work today. I hate doing that, even though the… -
Wednesday Oct 24, 2007
First bog! It's about 1:30 in the morning and after over a year, I've…