There's a distinct possibility that I may be royally fucked.
I got into the MBA program at Villanova last summer. it was one of the hardest things to accomplish. I busted my ass, took the GMAT twice. I defied HUGE odds the second time aroud and got in....On the condition that I take Calculus (it's a prerequisite and I never took it as an undergrad).
I never took it in high school. I also never took trigonometry. I was an artist in highschool, and majored in it for two years in college before switching to history (kept the studio art as a minor). Plus I'm 28 years old and haven't taken a math class in ten years.
So I'm in Calc now and everyone I know who has gone through the MBA program has said that there is absolutely no use for calculus whatsoever in the program. But I have to take it, it cost me $3,000.00 to take, it does not count toward my GPA, and the credits don't count for anything. I just have to show that I took the class and passed.
I'm failing. I just don't get it. It takes me a while to grasp, but I do understand the material. I studied litterally all weekend. And I go in tonight and take the test and everything looks foreign to me. I CAN"T FUCKING BELIEVE IT.
I pulled the TA out in the hall afterwards and explained my predicament. He is willing to tudor me (although it won't be very often and I would have to drive to North Philly). But I don't think that will help. I really think it's me. My brain is not wired mathematically. So This class that is completely inconsequential in the grand scheme of things could get me booted from the MBA program. Two years of work and thousands of dollars down the drain. I have a goddamn 3.0 average in the program but I stand a good change of getting kicked out because I can't seem to do a class that has nothing to do with anything.
I'm even at the point of bribery. I actually said this to the TA and he didn't get the hint.
I don't know where I'm going with this but if anyone is reading this and has any tips on overcoming this blockage that seems to occur when I sit down to take the test, I'm all ears.
I got into the MBA program at Villanova last summer. it was one of the hardest things to accomplish. I busted my ass, took the GMAT twice. I defied HUGE odds the second time aroud and got in....On the condition that I take Calculus (it's a prerequisite and I never took it as an undergrad).
I never took it in high school. I also never took trigonometry. I was an artist in highschool, and majored in it for two years in college before switching to history (kept the studio art as a minor). Plus I'm 28 years old and haven't taken a math class in ten years.
So I'm in Calc now and everyone I know who has gone through the MBA program has said that there is absolutely no use for calculus whatsoever in the program. But I have to take it, it cost me $3,000.00 to take, it does not count toward my GPA, and the credits don't count for anything. I just have to show that I took the class and passed.
I'm failing. I just don't get it. It takes me a while to grasp, but I do understand the material. I studied litterally all weekend. And I go in tonight and take the test and everything looks foreign to me. I CAN"T FUCKING BELIEVE IT.
I pulled the TA out in the hall afterwards and explained my predicament. He is willing to tudor me (although it won't be very often and I would have to drive to North Philly). But I don't think that will help. I really think it's me. My brain is not wired mathematically. So This class that is completely inconsequential in the grand scheme of things could get me booted from the MBA program. Two years of work and thousands of dollars down the drain. I have a goddamn 3.0 average in the program but I stand a good change of getting kicked out because I can't seem to do a class that has nothing to do with anything.
I'm even at the point of bribery. I actually said this to the TA and he didn't get the hint.
I don't know where I'm going with this but if anyone is reading this and has any tips on overcoming this blockage that seems to occur when I sit down to take the test, I'm all ears.
Yhank you very much for your words in my set. I wish you the best, and a great day!

Always so sweet...