Things that can just fucking eat my ass:
1) Online dating websites
2) People who tell me the only reason I don't do well on online dating sites is because I don't try even though I actually really do put forth the effort.
3) That dumb fucking bitch on the other side ofo the wall from me at work who has diarrhea of the
mouth and the most annoying voice ever.
4) The hospital that made me shit in a cup and then never got back to me on what was wrong with
my stomach. The bug has passed and I'm fine now but I HAD TO SHIT IN A GODDAMN CUP for
nothing. And I still haven't heard from those scurvy bastards.
5) The smug little Napoleon son of a bitch who works downstairs. With his Jaguar and his bright
orange windbreaker that he wears everywhere that is apparently trendy but to me just seems
like he wandered off the jobsite up on the interstate. "I may drive a Jag and work in an office
and have an over-inflated opinion of myself, but this windbreaker shows I haven't lost touch with
my roots. I still have my street cred." If he gets to wear a windbreaker at work to express
himself, can I wear my brass knuckles? Sawed off little runt. Those potholes aren't going to fill
themselves, you know. Shaves his head too and looks fuckin' ridiculous. I quote George Carlin:
"You wanna be bald? Do what I did. wait a while." He's so damn smug too that he makes me
want my cup of shit back from the hospital so I can put it to good use.
6) My boss. he grew a fucking porn star mustache out of the blue a few months ago and just last
week shaved it off. What the hell am I going to make fun of now?!
Well that's all I got. This was my first day back in the presence of people after being laid up at home for a week. Clearly I have some re-acclimating to do. Actually, in case you couldn't tell, number five was the main catalyst for this. Fuck that guy.
Anyway, how are all y'all out there?
1) Online dating websites
2) People who tell me the only reason I don't do well on online dating sites is because I don't try even though I actually really do put forth the effort.
3) That dumb fucking bitch on the other side ofo the wall from me at work who has diarrhea of the
mouth and the most annoying voice ever.
4) The hospital that made me shit in a cup and then never got back to me on what was wrong with
my stomach. The bug has passed and I'm fine now but I HAD TO SHIT IN A GODDAMN CUP for
nothing. And I still haven't heard from those scurvy bastards.
5) The smug little Napoleon son of a bitch who works downstairs. With his Jaguar and his bright
orange windbreaker that he wears everywhere that is apparently trendy but to me just seems
like he wandered off the jobsite up on the interstate. "I may drive a Jag and work in an office
and have an over-inflated opinion of myself, but this windbreaker shows I haven't lost touch with
my roots. I still have my street cred." If he gets to wear a windbreaker at work to express
himself, can I wear my brass knuckles? Sawed off little runt. Those potholes aren't going to fill
themselves, you know. Shaves his head too and looks fuckin' ridiculous. I quote George Carlin:
"You wanna be bald? Do what I did. wait a while." He's so damn smug too that he makes me
want my cup of shit back from the hospital so I can put it to good use.
6) My boss. he grew a fucking porn star mustache out of the blue a few months ago and just last
week shaved it off. What the hell am I going to make fun of now?!
Well that's all I got. This was my first day back in the presence of people after being laid up at home for a week. Clearly I have some re-acclimating to do. Actually, in case you couldn't tell, number five was the main catalyst for this. Fuck that guy.

Anyway, how are all y'all out there?
aaww thank you so much for the comment you left on my set!!