Blah. Home sick from work today. I hate doing that, even though there's nothing like sitting home in sweats on a rainy fall day. Then again since I am actually sick in some way, that takes away from the experience. I don't know what I've got exactly so I just told my boss I couldn't come in because I have a touch of Lurgy.
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#4 is actually dark brown and not black, the pictures are kinda shitty. thank you for your help!
I'm just saying is all....
First bog! It's about 1:30 in the morning and after over a year, I've finally gotten around to finishing off my profile. Now I just need to get me some friends. If this shows up on anyone's radar, drop me a line. I'll post further blogs at a more reasonable hour for someone who has to work in the morning. Sure that's lame. But I...
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*friend request* but only because of the monkey cowboy