Let's stick together
Let's follow our hearts
Not even lions can tear us apart
O What a eventful couple of month and a few days its been so i figured id us ea method of blogging named after a famous cowboy movie. you ready? pics fill follow when i take them. Also please its been so long tell me how ya been and whats new and what i have missed about you all.
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- I got a girlfriend. yes after 5 years of being single i finally can say i'm not single.
- I bought a cd off amazon for 29 cents. yeah i know awesome? I spent more on shipping then the item.
- I've been captivated by steam-punk and rockabilly. so needless to say i've been having lots of dreams of rock music and flying ships and sweet goggles
- I've been reading more. Its still fun.
- I cleaned my room at that haunted house im staying at its rather nice and cosy and feels more like a welcoming.
- I came up with an awesome tattoo for my back. dare i say i just might be epic
- i get to cook for my girl this weekend. I'm stoked about that. whats on the menu you ask? well chicken in a Dijon muster sauce, rice pilaf, steamed veggies, and strawberry short cake.
- My confidence is grown alot.
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- I only have a girlfriend for about 2 weeks, why the semester is over and next one shes in germany and we both know long distance doesnt work and we are not going to fool one another saying it will.
- black Friday sucked. I hate working nights holiday time i lose so much money due to use leaving early cus no one is shopping.
- had a ton of car trouble in Oct. about 900 bucks to fix the problem and i still have problems with Cora. just a day ago my alternator belt went and its still not registered.
- Remember me complain about my friends g/f that shared a apartment with? yeah still hates me. i mean i was asked over by my friend(his house) and she hid in there bed room the entire night. I mean grow up.
- Still got that damn v-card. damn thing wont go away. though my nerves stopped me the first time and mother nature deiced to enter the battle.
- I've been so poor because of my car and work cutting hours i had to quit WoW fora bit. it sucks but its also given me more time and i realized how much time i spent playing that game.
- getting back into college has been a pain in the ass. not only did they fuck up my fall return by droping all my classes "cus i didnt pay" then realizing i payed and couldnt get me back into my classes, to oh your not a student so you cant regester today and sorry all the consular's are full you have to pick your classes yourself to oh guess what are system is down please come back another time. really? come on its not like i dont pay you guys enough to to sit around. pisses me the hell off.
- one word farmville( btw my farmville can kick your farmville's ass)
- I'm rather lost, and my friends are dropping like flys( well there leaving),
- I need more friends to cook for. i find it fun plus i want to use my vegan and vegetarian cook books. So i guess i need to find vegans in upsate new york. i think ill better time hunting bigfoot( but i cant do it in my home town cus its illegal. no lie)
- Creepy ghost story about the house im in. About 3 am about a month ago i heard and watched my door open and swing open. ok so you say someone was behind it messing with me? no you cant get to my room with out opening another door plus im on the second story of this house. no way you can get close to my room with out me knowing
- trying to hunt for a new job and theres nothing. ugh i hate dicks sporting goods, I hate uggs, i hate hunting boots, my shoes make me look homeless really ill show pics
Ok not so much ugly but i mean that's the name of the movie this is more random then ugly
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- met a guy who's nick name is swine. why you ask cus he was the first on his campus to get swine flu.
- I'm working on a set idea for my next modeling gig. should be pretty fun
- my nephews where dinosaurs for Halloween. i've decide to make my future kids where costumes when i want. lol
- the mascot for Franken Berry looks like al franken
- watch a awesome movie with vampires. no its not that twilight bull shit its thirst. its amazing watch it.
- I have found some of the coolest music videos ranging from rap about Oregon trail to gay bars to a gentleman rapper. I think a future blog will be about this keep those peepers peeping.
- I'm getting lost in music i mean so much awesome is coming out i cant keep track.
- Im afraid to list awesome quotes and thought patterns cus i dont want people stealing my originality. does that make me greed for want to keep my thoughts mine?
- twitter confuses me to no end
- its finally snowed. Im so happy. the cold makes me happy cept when im wet
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- Math is one of the biggest lies known to man
Wolfs? You where raised by wolfs? pfft i was raised by a pack of wild NES's.- conversations with myself