Well my insomnia has kicked in so late nights and early work orrings are killing me.
so i figuered its about time I update this since things have gone down and to make use of this time.
As some of you may know I've had some roommate trouble. We sat down and had a meeting. Good news is some of the tension has be resloved. Bad news i still dont have a key to this danm place and as i guessed it y friends girl is fucking crazy. Enough about that. the past is the past and thats where is needs to stay.
So finaly have soe cash to my name I when and saw a few movies.
- Pineapple express. I loved this movie. Really if you can go see it.
- Step Borthers. This was alright not the most funniest movie Will Ferral has done but its still pretty funny.
- College. This moive blew dont waste your money on even renting it. I would rather get socket in the balls then sit through this again. Yeah its that bad
So hope that small list helps you in your movie going exprence. In other movie news Tarrentino has two remakes in the works. This makes me happy. really it does. Also watching previews seems Michael Cera has a new movie coing out in october.
As for my own movie nothing done but i think ive got another idea slowly starting to pan out. I hope its worth the space its taking up in my brain.
Like i said i had a few buck to through around so i also made the purchase of the game "No More Heros" for the Wii. Though i dont one the wii(someday) i use y roommates. This great and enjoyable. A true hack adn slash with a great cast of bosses. this game oozes personalite.
With my birthday comeing up i deiced im am going to use the money for a tattoo. What is you ask? well you are going to have to wait till i get it done.(well i have to ideas taht take teh same space so it will probly end ina coin flip as to what it will end up being).
Well i guess this wraps it up for this blog I'll probly be doing a video blog next time around. And we all know that will be after my birthday so you get to see my sweet tattoo(s)?
remember if ya got any questions you would like to see on my video blog just ask me.
and yes you all should go watch my videos and leave me comments on them.
Since you where so cool reading this blog i give you pics i shot with my cell phone.
its the sexy look.... i think atleast
my new kicks i got. sweet i know
P.s. Anyone want to be pen-pals? I'm looking for something to do thats different and be great to do something old school like that.
extra P.s so ya my "M" key doesnt like to work so this blog as been a pain to write and y ipod only works in one ear /sigh it seem i never win.
alright im goign extra innings on this blog.
random news i forgot to mention
- Got my flirt on with a gal. Though i never got her number lets hope she comes back to see me
- Friend came back from the airforce
- Friend mentioned about and his brother got new tats. i of coarse drove them.
- Work is going good getting plenty of hours.
- i feel like cooking anyone want to have a dinner made by me?