Wanna drop me, gotta kill me, only way I'ma stop
So todays was like a bonus round of life. so ya get a list of the greatness of todays spoils
+first day of work.
whent great and they where impressed with how i handle a rush of people with out help.
+ a friend payed back almost his entire debt to me only missing 20 bucks out of 200
yeah sometimes just happen if ya wait around.
+Free food
yeah family showed up and bought me dinner. nothing liek chicken wings and clam chowder
+free 100 bucks
mmm free money, and its not even blood money
+ newst Gorillaz album d-sides
mmm music its like sex for my ears.
+ had a bad ass dream
yes final i had a dream where nothing bad happened and i got a girl. wierd though it was a old high school
gal i slightly had a crush on though she was a lesbain at the time. who knows why my brain picked her but her life is good.
+free shorts
mm nothign liek free clothing appearl. though i have no idea waht they look like since i need to go get them
haha todays been a good day. i cna things to make it better but im not gready ill take waht i got and say good job.
Some other news My great crazy uncle turn 83 wesnday. indeed on both sides of my family we live long. not that i wnat to live long. id rather live a short brillent life then a long dull one. So my fortune cookie that read a large mammel will digest you hope it happens when im young. though i figuer how life likes to mess with me il live to be 93 and this is what will happen
grand kids- happy birthday grandpa
old me-i just shit my pants
GK- haha gramp pa your old nad silly
OM- who are you? where am i? oh its you guys
GK- guess what we got you for your 93 birthday?
OM- a hooker and crack?
GK- you still can get it up?
OM- no
GK- though so
GK-anyways we got you a Circus bear
OM-oh god its eating me
GK- final the old fuckers dead.
Indeed i got a warped mind. hahah tricks on them. I know there plan
Just alittle negivitie things
-before today my bank account was at 12 cents
-roommate trouble
Sorry no pics ot blogs but im working on a new one all about us nerds since we rock.
though im curoius how many of you like those video blogs or should i stop with them?
And if you havent seen my newest ones go to my videos and watch them and leave a comment it would make me ever so happy.
well off to bed cus i got open the shoe place tomorro
So todays was like a bonus round of life. so ya get a list of the greatness of todays spoils
+first day of work.
whent great and they where impressed with how i handle a rush of people with out help.
+ a friend payed back almost his entire debt to me only missing 20 bucks out of 200
yeah sometimes just happen if ya wait around.
+Free food
yeah family showed up and bought me dinner. nothing liek chicken wings and clam chowder
+free 100 bucks
mmm free money, and its not even blood money
+ newst Gorillaz album d-sides
mmm music its like sex for my ears.
+ had a bad ass dream
yes final i had a dream where nothing bad happened and i got a girl. wierd though it was a old high school
gal i slightly had a crush on though she was a lesbain at the time. who knows why my brain picked her but her life is good.
+free shorts
mm nothign liek free clothing appearl. though i have no idea waht they look like since i need to go get them
haha todays been a good day. i cna things to make it better but im not gready ill take waht i got and say good job.
Some other news My great crazy uncle turn 83 wesnday. indeed on both sides of my family we live long. not that i wnat to live long. id rather live a short brillent life then a long dull one. So my fortune cookie that read a large mammel will digest you hope it happens when im young. though i figuer how life likes to mess with me il live to be 93 and this is what will happen
grand kids- happy birthday grandpa
old me-i just shit my pants
GK- haha gramp pa your old nad silly
OM- who are you? where am i? oh its you guys
GK- guess what we got you for your 93 birthday?
OM- a hooker and crack?
GK- you still can get it up?
OM- no
GK- though so
GK-anyways we got you a Circus bear
OM-oh god its eating me
GK- final the old fuckers dead.
Indeed i got a warped mind. hahah tricks on them. I know there plan
Just alittle negivitie things
-before today my bank account was at 12 cents
-roommate trouble
Sorry no pics ot blogs but im working on a new one all about us nerds since we rock.
though im curoius how many of you like those video blogs or should i stop with them?
And if you havent seen my newest ones go to my videos and watch them and leave a comment it would make me ever so happy.
well off to bed cus i got open the shoe place tomorro
as you should be
Sounds like a good day! Hope you have more to come.