Hi,reader. I hope you're feeling well, and I hope you and I can be friends. If you have read the previous statement and are wondering "back? from where? who is this assclown?" Well, I had a SG account many dark ages ago in a time long past of which I try to no longer speak. I don't remember the name of the account, the password, or what credit card I might have been charging it too. I wanted a fresh start with new folks and hopefully some old ones, so here I am!
On this page I will be your content provider. I intend to keep a blog from day to or every other day at least and try to entertain. I will do my best to not type long diatribes about my day that no one cares about. I like to entertain and so I will try to enterain my fellow members with my ironic musings on life. Topics like politics, music, art, film, books etc. Especially film and my geeky interests. You'll be hearing a lot about those.
Oh and sex! How I enjoy sex. There will be lots of nudity and debauchery. So, I hope you request my friendship and keep reading!
- Von Patrick

Hi,reader. I hope you're feeling well, and I hope you and I can be friends. If you have read the previous statement and are wondering "back? from where? who is this assclown?" Well, I had a SG account many dark ages ago in a time long past of which I try to no longer speak. I don't remember the name of the account, the password, or what credit card I might have been charging it too. I wanted a fresh start with new folks and hopefully some old ones, so here I am!
On this page I will be your content provider. I intend to keep a blog from day to or every other day at least and try to entertain. I will do my best to not type long diatribes about my day that no one cares about. I like to entertain and so I will try to enterain my fellow members with my ironic musings on life. Topics like politics, music, art, film, books etc. Especially film and my geeky interests. You'll be hearing a lot about those.
Oh and sex! How I enjoy sex. There will be lots of nudity and debauchery. So, I hope you request my friendship and keep reading!
- Von Patrick

So hello there!! Nice you are here again!

thanks for the comment [: