It's 9:15 in the mornig and I can't sleep. In the past week, my slleeping patters got about 5x worse than what they already were. Well, at least today was my last day of classes for the semester. I'm not sure I'm happy with that so much though. I go back home tomorrow for a month. I'm happy that I will be seeing my friends again, eating pizza and watching b-horror movies and such, but this break signifies that I only have one semester left before I graduate. I still know fuck all about what I'm going to do after that, and of course that scares the shit out of me. I am graduating with no real marketable skills (unless you can find me a job where knowing a lot about pornography and Suicide Girls means something).
There are so many things that I want to do, but am not sure I have all the time and resources to do. First and formost, I want to finish my demo-album. I have about 80% of 12 songs recorded, but because of some computer fuck ups recently, most of the session information is lost. Now I have to reconstruct a few hundred WAV files back into place before I continue on with my singer. What a fucking bitch!
I want to travel and see friends who are settling their lives away from our home and meet some other people as well (Albany, DC, PA, here I come?). I also want to go to some club parties in the city with Persya. I don't know when the fuck I'll be able to do all of this. I only have a month off and I should work at my shitty retail job as much as possible to make money. While I'm at school I generally work only the weekends and about make just enough for gas, groceries and booze until the next check.
Hopefully I'll find something that works out for me when I graduate and be able to move out of my mother's house and hopefully into the city (Brooklyn is where most of the graduates from this college end up, it's like Purchase junkyard). I just want to make ends meet and hopefully find a band. Come on, I'm just too pretty not to be famout haha.
Read all that? good, here's your reward:
Listen to my (unfinished) music:
Got that? Good. Now send me money,
There are so many things that I want to do, but am not sure I have all the time and resources to do. First and formost, I want to finish my demo-album. I have about 80% of 12 songs recorded, but because of some computer fuck ups recently, most of the session information is lost. Now I have to reconstruct a few hundred WAV files back into place before I continue on with my singer. What a fucking bitch!
I want to travel and see friends who are settling their lives away from our home and meet some other people as well (Albany, DC, PA, here I come?). I also want to go to some club parties in the city with Persya. I don't know when the fuck I'll be able to do all of this. I only have a month off and I should work at my shitty retail job as much as possible to make money. While I'm at school I generally work only the weekends and about make just enough for gas, groceries and booze until the next check.
Hopefully I'll find something that works out for me when I graduate and be able to move out of my mother's house and hopefully into the city (Brooklyn is where most of the graduates from this college end up, it's like Purchase junkyard). I just want to make ends meet and hopefully find a band. Come on, I'm just too pretty not to be famout haha.
Read all that? good, here's your reward:
Listen to my (unfinished) music:
Got that? Good. Now send me money,
i want to do a mummy un-wrap, something kinda creepy and slinky. kinda weird thing to do....but i think zombies r hot!! whatdya think??
I loved it, babe! It was def. improvised, but it was cool. You sounded nervous and shy, but there is somehting kind of amazing about that, ya know? Practice makes perfect my love....I liked the content- that was pretty hot. I know you can get good at this. Let's both do it again!! We are so retarded.And I love it!haha..