I am going to have my own soap opera soon :-P So I have this response to my personal ad on the Onion (*good call Kitschy!*) I look at the profile and write back because her profile is Perfect! Better than I could have wanted. Same likes in movies, books, music etc . . . We talk and it is great. Then it turns out the initial response was sent by her roomate who doesn't have an account and didn't want to spend the money to get one and is also cool, Now I have two girls who like me who are cool and cute and . . . roomates. Having only occasionally been desired by multiple women at the exact same time I think it is pretty cool (well outside all the women who want me all of the time of course
). But it also might be a ticking timebomb. Cant very well say there is no one else when they are just down the hall from each other hehehe Could be worse though. I could have lost to Gilbert Gottfried. I came in 64th

Is my profile pic your fave out of my new pics? I assume you looked at the rest since you liked my profile one...
Oh P.S - how goes it with the two girlies?
[Edited on Apr 29, 2006 2:43AM]