i was inspired from one of the threads to list my fears and phobias. enjoy my craziness.
(in no particular order)
-spiders, except large spiders, i.e. tarantulas.
-remote controlled toys.
-adults in particular costumes, mostly animal-related, i.e. the easter bunny.
-nonexistance of life after death (eventhough i do not believe in god or an afterlife).
-driving, especially in traffic.
-people (i have terrible social anxiety).
-my body rotting after death (yes, i know, i won't care because i will be dead, yet the inevitable idea that i will rot scares me to no end).
-the talking baby on the quiznos commercials.
-being burnt, i.e. with a lighter.
-windows at night without blinds, curtains, or some type of covering.
-my cats getting outside (they are indoor cats).
-aging, not getting older, but rather the physcial effects of aging.
-needles in the elbow pit of my arm, i.e. getting blood drawn.
there are plenty more, but those are the main ones. maybe i will add to this list later.
feel free to share yours with me.
edit- current thought at 5am-
i feel empty. i remember a time, long ago, when i had passion. it seems, for far too long, i've only been passionate about being miserable.
(in no particular order)
-spiders, except large spiders, i.e. tarantulas.
-remote controlled toys.
-adults in particular costumes, mostly animal-related, i.e. the easter bunny.
-nonexistance of life after death (eventhough i do not believe in god or an afterlife).
-driving, especially in traffic.
-people (i have terrible social anxiety).
-my body rotting after death (yes, i know, i won't care because i will be dead, yet the inevitable idea that i will rot scares me to no end).
-the talking baby on the quiznos commercials.
-being burnt, i.e. with a lighter.
-windows at night without blinds, curtains, or some type of covering.
-my cats getting outside (they are indoor cats).
-aging, not getting older, but rather the physcial effects of aging.
-needles in the elbow pit of my arm, i.e. getting blood drawn.
there are plenty more, but those are the main ones. maybe i will add to this list later.
feel free to share yours with me.

edit- current thought at 5am-
i feel empty. i remember a time, long ago, when i had passion. it seems, for far too long, i've only been passionate about being miserable.
2.that i am not good enough and do not do enough to compensate for my existence.
4.no drugs.
5.being alone.
6.being with people.
8. cancer (my dad died of it)
9. that my cat will get outside (he's an indoor cat)
10. that my house will burn down and i will lose my recording studio and paintings (we had a fire next door a couple weeks ago, this fear was almost very real)